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Scott and Skiing

edited January 2008 in Everything Else
Why is Scott being such a wuss when it comes to Skiing? I have been Skiing ever since I was 5. My cousins are 10 and they Skii every weekend.

Honestly, if a 10 year old can do it, why can't Scott?


  • edited January 2008
    Damn. At first glance this topic looked like "Scott and Ski[nny Dipp]ing".
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Damn. At first glance this topic looked like "Scott and Ski[nny Dipp]ing".
    Oh noes! What a big disappointment!

    That would be an absolutely strange topic, either way.
  • The one thing about skiing is that, assuming you don't rent, it's an insane amount of money for what you get.

    Gearing up my family and buying season passes is about the same cost as a nice trip to Florida in the winter.
  • I never really understood skiing. I've been several times, but never really found it enjoyable. It's not because I'm not proficient at it, it just doesn't interest me.
  • WaterIsPoison,

    You are truely dead inside.
  • Skiing is just like mountain biking. The only real difference is the mechanism of control. I happen to enjoy both. ^_^
  • WaterIsPoison,

    You are truely dead inside.
    My soul is indeed as dark as the moonless night.
  • I used to love skiing, and I'm quite good at it. Lately. I've found that snowshoeing and cross country skiiing are much more enjoyable. I don't like crowds - I like nature.
  • Lately. I've found that snowshoeing and cross country skiiing are much more enjoyable.
    Activities much more worthwhile. I find climbing a mountain much more invigorating than going down it.
    I don't like crowds - I like nature.
  • I'd much rather go snowboarding than skiing.
  • I'd much rather go snowboarding than skiing.
    The only reason I wouldn't is that I prefer speed over all else. ;^)
  • Speed is the reason I have a car with nearly 300 HP. ^_^
  • I'm off to Idaho next weekend for some skiing. I haven't been in years. I'll probably rent skis one day, a snow board another day and hunker by the fire with my laptop for the rest of the days.
  • edited January 2008
    I'm off to Idaho next weekend for some skiing.
    Well, isn't that special?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I'm off to Idaho next weekend for some skiing.
    Well, isn't that special?
    If it's any consolation, I won't enjoy it. I'm only going because a family member is paying for it. Honestly, I didn't mention it to say "look at me, I am doing this!" I know that's a pet peeve of yours.
  • I didn't mention it to say "look at me, I am doing this!" I know that's a pet peeve of yours.
    Fuhgeddaboudit. I hope you have fun. I know Scrym would like to have their own private Idaho.
  • Water skiing > Snow skiing
  • Water skiing > Snow skiing
    Oh mans. I COMPLETELY agree, though Water skiing requires a lot more upper-body strength.
  • Well, I survived. Barely. Black diamonds with ungroomed moguls are fun...
  • edited January 2008
    Fun if you like Sliding down them on your butt (if you're me) or your neck if you're Rym.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Well, I survived. Barely. Black diamonds with ungroomed moguls are fun...
    Congratulations! Did you run into anything or receive any bruises?
  • Fun if you like Sliding down them on your butt (ifyou'reme) or your neck ifyou'reRym.
    Ha. All resulted in much lolz I bet!
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