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Scott and Viga on FNPL #23.

edited January 2008 in Everything Else
Scott and Viga (1st time!) both appeared on the show this week along with David and me. Kyle had a date with his wife and Ray has been MIA for some time.

Here are the topics:

1)How much of our behavior comes from other people? We imitate, we keep up with the Joneses. How much do we do because other people are doing it? How much do we do because we are genuinely interested in what other people are doing? Are we looking for richness in our own lives? Are we looking for what we should be doing?
2)On some of these house hunter, remodeling shows, you see young people buying half million dollar homes. Who are these people? Is this real? What do they do for a living? Are these rich, 1st time home buyers the solution to the housing price decline?
3)Zurich Axioms, a 1985 book, was available through Ben's Bargains for free this week and we discuss.
4)Are memories irrelevant? If you have a fun time at a beach does it really help your life? Once you get beyond “don't touch a hot stove” is memory useful. If it's not, then is fun itself only for the moment?
90-times-as-powerful.html They are going to fix the Hubble. Is it worth it?
6)What do you think about the fight between Intel and the so called $100 laptop folks?
7)Should we all stop being productive and start playing WoW, I mean, what's wrong with us? Penny Arcade is doing it, why shouldn't we?
8)Are you looking to buy any toys for yourself in the coming months? If so, what?


  • It seems like you miss a big argument for why memories are relevant. Separating memories into learned knowledge, which is one kind of memory, and then experience memory, which is basically everything else. The importance of experience memory is that it is what makes us basically humans, and not robots or computers. Without them we would just acquire knowledge and nothing more since we wouldn't remember anything else. But those experience memories shape your personality, and how you see the world. Without them you wouldn't have real expression, emotion or creativity.
  • I really missed Kyle. There's something about him that really made the show entertaining.
  • I really missed Kyle. There's something about him that really made the show entertaining.
  • I've never heard this show before, but after reading the outline for this episode, it seems like something I might want to get into. Adding it to my iTunes now, will repost with thoughts (since I know you all care, lols).
  • I really missed Kyle. There's something about him that really made the show entertaining.
    Nah, I hate him. More of that Rim guy, please.
  • Good show, good show. Yay for Viga! :D You should've talked more though Viga!

    As for the imitation topic. It's rooted in our genes. We learn a lot by imitating our parents for example. Hence they should be proper role models. This ties nicely in with those people with credit debts Rym and Scott talked about. Those people probably grew up in a big house with a pool and two cars in the drive way and lots of luxury and they want to do the same, since that's what they have always seen. The same way you get little spoiled brats who know nothing but luxury and make fun of people who are not that rich.

    And guys, what are you bickering about? We need more of the Ray!
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