Well I got to go home early today. A fire broke out in one of our staircases. From what I heard it was pretty much nothing. Apparently, some water or snow dripped on an exit sign and that sparked a flame. Thinking some awesome freshman pulled the fire alarm, I went out (26 F weather) without my cell phone, MP3, or anything else. Well had us go into our gym after they put the fire out. Any we sat there for about 30 minutes. Eventually they told us any Junior or Senior can go home if they have a ride (I guess Sophomores and Freshmen had to go on buses) but we couldn't get any of our stuff from our classrooms. So I go home and wait for a bit, and eventually my mom calls me and says tells me I could go back into school to get the stuff I left.
Not that I'm really complaining, but why would they send everybody home, without letting us get our stuff, and let us come back later to get our stuff? Shouldn't we just have finished out the day with a messed up schedule? (It cut into a couple lunch periods) Has anyone else had a small fire in their school?
We got in trouble and had to clean on our day off...
Hmm, I think there were still some firemen up in the second floor patrolling for any other possible fire hazard. Remember, they said we could get our stuff, were it on the first floor. I believe the teacher that didn't let us in was just strict. We probably could've sneaked around and gone to your locker.
Well let's hear it! =P Gah, I've been in a situation like that before.. They never listen when you try to explain yourself. =S
In this year -alone-, we've had a bomb scare and a lock down. We've had two or three lock downs last year. The year before it was like, two.. Before that, I don't think any (but I wasn't there, so I couldn't say for sure). Lock downs, we huddle in a corner, away from the door (but not opposite of it) with all the blinds closed, while teachers try to stop us from texting people with cellphones and chatting away. The bomb scare made us walk outside. In the frigid cold. That sucked something hardcore, and it took forever to get them to arrange it for us to get inside of the next door recreational center. At least it wasn't in 40°C out, like this Tuesday....
Fire drills are mostly a waste of time in our school. We've never had a real fire (save some cooking classes not knowing how to fry things), and most fire drills boil down to us standing on the football field, being rained upon, talking to friends. (We're not allowed to use any kind of electronic devices. You know, in case we call the fire and tell it we're outside.)
In school they made us go sit outside during a bomb threat. We rarely had lockdowns and the only one was 9-11. Fire drills were just bored teens pulling the alarm. Nothing special but a chance to escape school for a few minutes.
The smart/paranoid kids will have contingency plans for if something bad happens in the assembly area. ie. that chokepoint, what are you going to do if some actually is there shooting people? Those assembly points, what are you going to do if there is a bomb there? etc. Bombs aren't going to pop up out of the blue, there's going to be a bag/box/something there in the middle of the assembly area.
Remind me to make plans in case something bad happens. >>;
And there was also that time in 6th grade where someone accidentally set off a model rocket in science class...
Well, I might have made an offhand remark about some fireworks I owned without realizing a police officer was standing behind me, but I don't think that had all that much to do with it.
I was actually helped by a firedrill last week though. I had forgot to set my alarm, but fortunately there was a firedrill around eight. So I got to sleep in a little and only missed one of my morning classes.
If you haven't heard this episode yet, I suggest that you do.