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How can I make a script to automate mouse clicks?

edited February 2008 in Everything Else
Theres a repetitive process that i'd really like to automate if i could just make a script/program (I dont know what the difference is) to move my mouse around and click. I dont know if this is possible but i've seen similar things done before. I have very minimum program abilities so any help would be appreciated. Better yet, if theres already a program that can do this for me that would be great. The only thing I need it to do is for it to click my mouse at specified places at specified time intervals in indefinite loops.


  • I just want to take this opportunity to point out this perfect example of how not to ask a tech. question. Iruul, I'm not picking on you, I'm just using you as an example for the good of others.

    Our friend here has a problem. The problem is that there are repetitive processes that need automating. However, our friend has already decided that the best solution to the problem is some sort of mouse click simulator. Apparently he knows enough about technology to know that the best way to automate his tasks is to simulate mouse clicks, even though he doesn't know how to do such a thing, or if it is even possible.

    When you have a tech problem, and you don't know what to do, don't come up with a solution and ask how to do that solution. Instead, just ask, in excruciating detail, what your core problem is. Iruul, just tell me exactly what repetetive processes you want to automate. Don't leave anything out. Then we will see if some sort of mouse macro is the answer.
  • I had a feeling I'd get such a response. So what I want to accomplish is a certain series of actions in WoW. In WoW, there are pvp battlegrounds that you can enter. If you win or lose one of these battles, you get points that you can use to purchase good gear. Needless to say, it takes forever to get enough points to buy anything meaningful. Because these battles are typically 16 vs 16, I could myself go afk through the whole thing and not have much affect on the team as a whole.

    In order to enter a battleground game, I have to right click on a certain NPC followed by a left click on a confirmation window and then another left click on another confirmation window when enough players have joined a queue. After the battleground ends, there is one left click to exit. After exiting it sends me back to the same NPC at a preset camera angle, placing him in the same location every time. Thus, if I make my mouse click at the right places in a loop, it will eventually click on all the places that the windows and NPC shows up and basically send me into battleground games over and over again, albeit making me afk every battle. There is no way to perform this process through the game itself, but manipulating mouse clicks would do the trick - if this is possible at all. There are also no hotkeys at any point of the process.

    I purposely tried to dodge my motives for this, as WoW seems to have a bad connotation here and my unethical purposes didn't seem to help my case.
  • You want to create a bot so you can cheat at World of Warcraft. Good luck, I'm guessing you are one of the people that Blizzard just annoyed when they patched the game so you can't just go AFK in the PVP areas and let others get points for you.

    Why don't you just hire someone to play the game for you?
  • Yet more proof WoW is the stupid. It's just a bunch of repetitive actions that a computer can do for you. Man, that must be such a fun game! I would love to do the same thing over and over again!

    Solution, stop playing WoW.
  • You want to create a bot so you can cheat at World of Warcraft.
    How is it cheating to improve a game by automating a repetitive task? Also, why should you (or anyone) care? Someone else missing out on that wonderful WoW content by playing via a bot doesn't hurt your personal experience: just ignore those people.
  • How is it cheating to improve a game by automating a repetitive task?
    Maybe the term should be TOS violation.
  • Here is a program that will solve this problem completely.
  • Meh this is exactly why I didnt want to mention WoW. I am not automating any tedious action, I merely want a "bot" to join certain games. I am not making it play for me nor do I want it to do any repetitive action. It merely saves me time to join a battleground game every 30 minutes. It isnt really playing for me in anyway. However, it would be a cheap way to gain points by making others get them for me but this is mainly out of curiosity to see if it could work more than anything. Guess this was wrong place to ask.
  • ......
    edited February 2008
    I am not automating any tedious action, I merely want a "bot" to join certain games. I am not making it play for me nor do I want it to do any repetitive action.
    *blinks* Did you read your first post in this thread? Or your second? Anyways, you're saying that confirming in game that you will participate in a PVP part of the game is not part of the game? And for what purpose!? Points! To 'buy' new, shinier armor in game. But why the heck would you want that? You clearly don't use the armor since you just join a PVP part of the game and then just stand around doing absolutely nothing making the other 15 players in your team 'fight' for your points. I can see how this can be slow if you only get points when you win, my advice, PLAY THE GAME! That way you can win and don't have to rely 100% on the 15 people you say "FUCK YOU" to by letting them do the hard work with one person less.


    Doh >.<; Stupid error.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Man, this game Quake is not so fun. I know, I'll build a robot to play Quake for me!

    *kicks back in a chair and watches the robot play Quake*

    Man this is great! I should build a robot to watch anime and read books for me. Life will be so terrific!
  • Man, this game Quake is not so fun. I know, I'll build a robot to play Quake for me!

    *kicks back in a chair and watches the robot play Quake*

    Man this is great! I should build a robot to watch anime and read books for me. Life will be so terrific!
    This is my new favorite quote ever.
    But yeah, morality of botting aside, it is a violation of the TOS.
    And I have a theory as to why maybe he's playing this game with a bot. RMT.
  • Man, this game Quake is not so fun. I know, I'll build a robot to play Quake for me!

    *kicks back in a chair and watches the robot play Quake*

    Man this is great! I should build a robot to watch anime and read books for me. Life will be so terrific!
    You may laugh now..

    On a more serious note. Just stop playing. If all you seek is the ends then it is little better than work. [and sweeping statement of the week goes to..]
  • edited February 2008
    Well, as someone who plays WoW and knows exactly what you're trying to accomplish, it's not going to work. There are many of these autoclickers available that are so easily detected by Blizzard it isn't worth trying. AFAIK, Blizzard checks for mouse clicks in the same location over a period of time, so this method won't work for you.

    Also, how are you going to not go AFK is the battleground? You would have to move every minute or so. Just thought I'd mention that.

    Edit: Btw, this isn't gold farming, as that would be much more complicated to automate, this is honor farming. Totally different. :P
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • Well, as someone who plays WoW and knows exactly what you're trying to accomplish, it's not going to work. There are many of these autoclickers available that are so easily detected by Blizzard it isn't worth trying. AFAIK, Blizzard checks for mouse clicks in the same location over a period of time, so this method won't work for you.

    Also, how are you going to not go AFK is the battleground? You would have to move every minute or so. Just thought I'd mention that.

    Edit: Btw, this isn't gold farming, as that would be much more complicated to automate, this is honor farming. Totally different. :P
    Ahh, this is exactly the comment I wanted to see. Good to know that Blizz has a detector for this, so I will give up on trying. To address the afk issue, all i'd have to do is make a /say macro on a toolbar to be clicked on during the loop, not that it matters if Blizzard does indeed have auto clicker detection. Like I said, it was more out of curiosity than anything else and i'm glad there a system to detect this. However, no one else here seems to understand why a person would want to do this. The whole "why not play a game" argument is dumb and should be obvious. Scott still thinks i'm trying to automate the whole game. Its more like putting all 4 chars in Mario Party to computer so that it would unlock minigames for me to use in the other modes. Or putting all the chars in Tales of Symphonia to computer controlled and rubber banding the analog stick to move your characters into battles, making them level for me overnight. While this may not be the preferred method of playing for some, I do not see this as not understandable nor do I really see this as a complete "bot."

    To relate this to Scott's analogy, its more like

    Man this Quake is fun but I had to pay for it with 4 hours of work. I know, I'll build a robot to go to work for me.
    "Kicks back chair and watches robot go to work for me."
    Man this is great, I should get the robot to pay for my animes and books too.

    Also, getting the points for new equipment isnt really work, its just time consuming. I really do like PvP but I do not have enough time to get the points necessary. Also,though I know no one will believe me, I really wasnt going to do this, as it is a huge ass move to the other players, I just wanted to see if I could.
  • its just time consuming.
    That's why this game is shit. It takes too much time, just for repetitive tasks. You give maximal input, only to get minimal output.
  • I know there are other threads for this debate, but I just want to add a bit here.

    I am against automating this process for one reason. If automating was a legitimate way to get the PvP gear, then the gear would be free, as everyone would automate their honor farming. There would be no reason for it to cost honor, because every would be able to get it just as easily. It's a part of playing the game to do the PvP, and I'm okay with that.
  • If automating was a legitimate way to get the PvP gear, then the gear would be free, as everyone would automate their honor farming. There would be no reason for it to cost honor, because every would be able to get it just as easily. It's a part of playing the game to do the PvP, and I'm okay with that.
    So instead of it being free (as it could be, if people have been automating the process), it costs nothing but time. That is to say, time spent doing what a mouse macro could do will give you better items and thus an advantage in PvP?

  • edited February 2008
    I submit that if he used this bot to generate real $ by selling his items, then I would call it innovative. Even though it has been done before, gaining money out of taking advantage of stupid people...
    Oh shit, Now that I have re-read this, I would have to find someone doing this unethical.
    You would be taking advantage of people who have fallen in love with this game and their stupidity to purchase digital items for real money. Your not trying to help them ween their addiction of what is bad for them, but fueling their bad addiction and benefiting from it. (Must not make reference to Scientology or Peter Popoff.)
    This would be innovative but also taking advantage of those dumber then you is "wrong". Hmm, I wonder where I and others would draw the line between good American business and being unethical.
    Post edited by Mosquitoboy on
  • Well, not only is this a violation of the ToS, but it's hardly innovative. There are multiple companies that will farm honor for you. It's just like gold farming, so it's only logical.
  • edited February 2008
    For many years I avoided MMO's like the plague. Recently, and against my better judgement I decided to start playing WoW. I played with friends, gained some levels, fought some bosses and generally had a good time. I got to a point where I needed to "grind" to progress. That was it, that is where I stopped. When playing the game became less fun than other things available to me I quit. It was that simple, just get up and walk away.
    Post edited by am_dragon on
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