Holy fucking shit what an awesome movie. I recommend the shit out of this.
Rym and Scott I know you guys say you don't go to the movies as often anymore but oh my god you have to go watch this, especially for one certain scene. I won't spoiler this for you but fuck, you've probably guessed it. If not, go and see it and find out.
also, for one shots that you might like "Childern of the Atom" "God Loves Man Kill"
I'm excepting the Third X-men movie to be a good summer flick, mindless action with lots of fan service... (don't get me wrong I love the orginal two films).
I mean Kitty Pride is finally a main character!!!!
By this way, is he in the film?
That said it did have a few good moments but I won't spoil those for anyone who is going to see it. You might want to stay after the credits, there's an extra scene.
yes it was in the movie.
Sux he's British and not black though.
And I wanted to see the bit at the end of the credits, but they cut the projector off too soon. Guess I'll just have to buy the DVD when it comes out!
Magneto -might- have gotten his powers back.
Professor X has likely transferred his mind to another body.
I saw the movie Sunday night in Raleigh. It was meh.
It'll be weird seeing a non cripple Xavier. again. They're done it in the tv show.....and it was weird then.
Rym, you said that nobody in the cinema knew what the hell you were laughing at; In Perth, when I saw it, Half the audience clapped when he said that. No joke. I had to explain to some of the people I was with why they clapped afterwards.
I also have never liked Jean for much the same reason... characters without real conflict are dull... and the whole Wolverine thing is tiresome.
Anyway, I actually liked this movie more than the previous two. Sure the direction was weaker, but thank god they didn't have as much dialogue. I am sorry, but the first two films had horrid dialogue and when you have great actors (which could easily be said for many key cast members), it is sad to see them bogged down with crap lines. I have to say this movie delivered like Dominos for me. Great action, minimal and effective lines with moments of hilarity, killing off Scott - I hope he is dead, please let him be dead-, making Jean interesting (I think making Phoenix her subconsious/power base worked well, and made for much easier explination than an alien being), and so on. I guess I just wanted some silly, campy action and some epic word destruction CG with some of my favorite characters. Sure it was indelicate and lagged in a few places, but this was overshadowed by sheer entertainment value. I realize that my views probably differ drasticly, and I can recognize that this is not great cinema, nor the best comic book movie ever made, but it provided everything I expected and more.
Oh, and at the Theatre I saw it at, almost the entire theatre went crazy at Juggernat's line! We were in downtown Buffalo on Friday night, it was great!
He said that when he was talking to James Marsden (Scott), he thought he was gay. I don't know if that has anything to do with why people dislike the dude, but maybe.
I'm no movie fanboy. I'm highly resistant to movie-watching of any kind, since theaters are full of noisy and noisome fools (and this was no exception). I'm no X-Men fanboy either, but I have an adequate background for geekery purposes. I did attend with an X-Men guru who is also a film-guru-slash-scathing-critic, who agrees with my assessment.
Not to go into too much detail, but the movie was true to the characters while still standing on its own merits. It is impossible to follow the established plot of a comic that has had thousands of issues across dozens of spinoffs, endless amounts of retconning, and, quite frankly, some cheesy plot devices that would never fly in modern cinema (or even comic books). It was meant to finalize the series, while leaving room for a new installment if it ever comes to it. Now that's just to be expected from a movie.
Of course, I've never agreed with the casting for Ororo and Rogue. That being said, Halle Berry was at least slightly less underwhelming than normal. Rogue, on the other hand...well...she never should have been in the movie series in her current, pathetic form, and she proved it in this movie.
On another note...
People who make movie recommendations to other people without having seen that movie are fucktards. I hate this movie culture we have, where the monumental effort of hundreds of people, the blood, sweat, and tears of at least a handful of creative people amongst the hollywood BS, can be shot down by undereducated, poorly-thought-out criticisms.
Anyone in a position to influence the opinions of more than a close circle of friends should think hard on whether or not they really want to get into movie criticism. It is well known that if people hear a trusted opinion that a movie will suck, they are more likely to think it sucked upon viewing than if they heard nothing at all, and the converse is true for positive opinions.
In other words, don't ruin movies for your own friends.
The fact that Rym classically ruined "The Sixth Sense" for me back in the day surely doesn't enter into this. ;-)
I was obviously manipulated by the buzz I’d gleamed from many sources before I saw this film. Since it was 4 weeks after it opened and most of my friends were guaranteed to have seem the movie already. This marked the first time in the three movies and I didn’t see it the night it came out. To tell you the truth I was nervous about it. I enjoyed the first two movies greatly and I could feel that this movie was going to be different.
It was and as I predicted further up this thread it was a mindless action movie. The movie was a mess of two plots that should have been narrowed down to one. The characters having to deal with a mutant cure AND dark phoenix were given little time to be explored or grow. Mainly the movie seemed to float more towards the mutant cure and just slightly touched on dark Phoenix. This completely made the Phoenix plot lose all meaning. Especially Killing Scott Summers off in the first few minutes. Apparently Fox keeps forgetting that the X-men is a team book and that the story doesn’t always revolve around Wolverine. Ugh.
Where do I start, If I would have written the X-men movie I would have had Phoenix come back as she always had, but not had her evil in the beginning and as the third movie progressed show her slowly losing control of her power but generally doing ok, until in the final moments of the movie where she solves the climax of the movie in a real unethical way. Leaving the team unsure what to do with her and probably with the world viewing her as a criminal which would then lead into the fourth movie where she finally becomes the “dark phoenixâ€. The whole time having Scott Summers try and deal with it and whatnot.. The way this movie dealt with Dark Phoenix took all the emotional build up away from the story. She came back evil and didn’t slowly side into darkness. SHE KILLED MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO CARED ABOUT HER IN THE FIRST 15 MINUTES OF THE FILM!
The Kitty Pryde/Iceman/Rogue triangle was a total abortion, that you was a completely wasted chance for all the love triangle action. What the hell was with that last scene with Rogue!
Colossus, Why the crap did they even have him in the movie, did he even say two words? He was the least developed character period. Plus if you have Colossus you have him Fight Juggernaut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Angel, Talk about coming out of nowhere, he escapes, shows up at the mansion for literally 5 seconds and then follows the X-men to save his father and then disappear! Great! That’s awesome… NOT!
Where the Fuck was Nightcrawler!
Well, since I should be getting to work in a few, I talk a bit about what I liked about the film.
I did enjoy Beast, I thought they handled his character in a very cool way, making him a retired X-men and a politician was a very cool. I enjoyed how he interacted with the other X-men in the traditional Beast corny wit.
The fact that Kitty Pryde was a “main†character. She was handled fairly well in the movie, Especially in terms of Combat. I remembered sitting there looking at the team as they lined up to fight the last battle thinking to myself “What the fuck is Kitty going to do†and they made her act pretty cool, and definitely gave her something to do in that fight.
Storm, was infinitely less annoying in this film! While I still hated her role in the film and she was again under developed (gees other the Magneto, Xavier and Wolverine who was actually used in this movie), They actually let her cut loose, I enjoyed that fact that she could fly (however why wasn’t she doing that before) and that she actually used some of her powers in a more useful way. (finally)
I enjoyed how Magneto handled Mystique and how he was ultimately defeated. And that he appears to not been “fully†defeated.
contined in next post...
Ugh. Anyhow, the movie wasn’t a total crapfest, but it came close. Why couldn’t Bryan Singer do Superman and X-men! One hopes that the upcoming Wolverine and Magneto movies have nothing to do with the director and writer of this movie.
Off to work!
It deserves to be shot down by educated, well thought out criticisms like this one: X-men: The Last Stand is teh suxorz.