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Anyone have any experience with M0n0wall?

edited February 2008 in Everything Else
I've been looking for more security and this software looks pretty cool. You can set it up on an old pc with just a cdrom and a floppy. My router gives some protection, but I still get hits on BlackICE. It would beat buying BlackICE for every single windows box that I have and hopefully give me a lot more protection.


  • If you are that concerned about security you might want to try out Linux. No matter what firewall or virus scan you use you can never reduce the threat of viruses to levels you won't have to worry about as Windows is itself insecure. I keep the stuff I do on my windows partition to a minimum so I only need to run something light like AVG.
  • I run PFSense (it's based on M0n0wall from what I know) on an old computer and it seems to work pretty well.
  • If you are that concerned about security you might want to try out Linux. No matter what firewall or virus scan you use you can never reduce the threat of viruses to levels you won't have to worry about as Windows is itself insecure. I keep the stuff I do on my windows partition to a minimum so I only need to run something light like AVG.
    I do run Linux... and Win2k, XP, Vista, OSX, FreeNAS and whatever else I'm playing with at the moment on our 11 computers. That's down from 14. It's going to go back up by 2 as soon as the new chips come out in numbers.
  • on our 11 computers. That's down from 14.
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 10 Computer minimum dangerously close! ABORT ABORT!!!
    It's going to go back up by 2 as soon as the new chips come out in numbers.

    Sorry Thaed.
    Anyways, M0n0wall is one of those firewall Linux distro's no? Best advice I can give is check its documentation. Good luck :) waiting to hear your success.
  • 11 computers
    And I thought 8 active computers and 6 inactive ones was bad. How many of them are recent (bought in the last three years) machines? It would have been good to know you just wanted Monowall for messing about with.
  • And I thought 8 active computers and 6 inactive ones was bad.
    God. For us geeks, old computers that don't work are like the non-functional cars slowly rusting in some peoples' lawns.
  • And I thought 8 active computers and 6 inactive ones was bad.
    God. For us geeks, old computers that don't work are like the non-functional cars slowly rusting in some peoples' lawns.
    I had inactive computers, but I just recommissioned a bunch. Still don't know what to do with my 486 though.
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