Romney just pulled out of the Republican race. That basically gave it to McCain, who might well court Huckabee as his running mate. Of course, Huckabee could pull a coup and take the rest of the evangelical vote, but I think McCain is pretty-much guaranteed the nomination now.
but I guess however if McCan and Mitt were going to drag each other through the mud it would have been pretty bad for the republicans.
If the Democrats nominate Obama I will vote for him. If they nominate Hillary I will hold my nose and vote for McCain.
If Obama gets the crazy idea to have Hillary as his running mate I have no idea what I will do...
I don't see why McCain needs to suck up to the ultra-right. If McCain is the more conservative of the candidate, then that's who they will vote for. Any conservative who votes for Obama or Clinton as a protest because they think that McCain is not conservative enough is an idiot. (This assumes that no viable third-party candidate enters the race.)
What amazes me the most is that a couple of months ago the Democrats should have swept into the presidency with an overwhelming majority. Now they've created a genuine horse race. That's what happens when you only focus on the war and the economy takes center stage.
Ron Paul? ^_^
Goldwater lost the general election but he helped set the stage for the conservative movement in the Republican party which led to the election of Reagan.
Even though Republicans will lose the White House over this it sends a message to the party that they can not win without the conservative base. Besides, the only conservative thing going for McCain is the Surge/War on Terror and I think we all know that the Democrats will not knowingly or willingly lose the war on their watch.
Speaking of Ron Paul, he is still in the running. Wouldn't it be funny if Romney sent out a covert message for his backers to now vote for and back Ron Paul!
But then again it's just wistful thinking on my part.
Clearly Obama knows how to run things.
It's branding, the hype machine, and public relations. People can be so thoroughly led into having certain opinions, it's as if the PR guys are border collies herding them into corrals of stupid opinion.
If the PR guys really wanted to, they could have all of America eating snot-booger pies by the end of next week. The only thing that would make me happier than seeing the Republican party wither and die is if the successor party practiced truth-in-advertising and called their party something along the lines of "The Neanderthal Bible-Thumpin' Cowboys against Science and Progress".
I wonder if John F Kennedy (Ask not what you country can do for you, but what you can do for your country) would be welcome in today's Democratic party.
As an aside... The Republican party has long looked at the bible thumpers in the party the way Democrats look at blacks. they take them for granted, promise to do what they want done and then shit all over them. Republicans will never put God back into the country or ban abortions and the Democrats will never bring about true racial equality. It's all about the battle not the results.
That makes no sense. Mitts accomplishments were talked about more than any other candidates accomplishments! Do you not know that his job was to invest in broken businesses and turn them around to make a profit? And do you not know that he was very good at it? Look at the current state of our country. Does it remind you of a "broken business"? Back to his other accomplishments, Mitt made health care mandatory in Massachusetts, effectively decreasing consumer premiums by half and cleaned up the Olympics while in fact, ending with a surplus of money from it!! Hillary likes to flaunt her accomplishment in health care, however if I were her I would be embarrassed standing up there saying, "I've spent 15 years on getting health care for all Americans (and immigrants)" and never gotten it done. Is that what you're looking for in a president? Also, check out how much money she plans on spending for health care and the mortgage market, who that money will really go to and then try and figure out where she plans on getting the money.
I am really frustrated with USA politics. It seems that every presidential election, those who are best suited to run our country and get things done are kicked out of the race so fast, people barely even know who they are. Those who are elected quickly prove they are excellent at campaigning, they're a good smiling face. But they are terrible at helping this country and being a leader.
What if the primaries end and neither Hillary nor Obama have the required delegate counts? It would then be up to the super delegates to decide who gets the nomination.
Let's take this one step further. What if Obama has more delegates than Hillary but the super delegates pick Hillary as the nominee. Do you think McCain might "reach out" to Obama and offer him the VP slot?
What do you think would happen if the super delegates went with the candidate who did not have the most delegates at the Democratic convention?
Let's pretend that the Democratic party stays split and Hillary wins the nomination. Obama is allowed to still run for president with no party, or a different party. However, that would result in a Ralph Nader situation. The two more left-leaning candidates combined will have more electors than the right-leaning candidate, but neither will have more individually, and the Republican candidate will win even though most of the country is voting for the opposite.
Some people will claim that this is in fact why we should eliminate the electoral college, and instead have IRV or some other election system. This is crazy talk of people who don't know what they are talking about. Instead we should restore the electoral college to its original form. Instead of the electors going to vote as a ceremonial formality, they will all meet in DC and actually deliberate who should be president. If 60% of them are split 30/30 on two liberal candidates and the other 40% are conservative leaning, you can be damn sure those 60% of electors will come to a decision as to which of the two liberal candidates will win. With the current meaningless and broken electoral college, the conservative will unjustly win in that scenario.
If Steve's scenario comes to be, then what should happen is the person who didn't get the nomination should run for president regardless. However, because elections no longer work in the way the constitution says they should, they will just bow out and that will be that.