I'm considering running for mayor
First off I'm 18 and this year my town will have an election. I (hopefully) will not be in the same state as I am now in the fall. I want to have a platform about a balanced budget and education reform. I know these don't exactly jive but I think they can. The biggest problem I think will be fighting the Hudson County Democratic Machine. I've got to do more research into how to get nominated but I think its a five-hundred signature petition. I just want to know whether you think this is a good idea?
By the way, your city budget is already balanced. New Jersey law does not allow municipalities to operate with an imbalanced budget.
I will, however, also say that I don't know anything about how local politics in the US work, so I can't give you any specific advice. So on a general note: If you consider getting into politics, and you're specifically interested in the local level (which is good, because that's probably the best place to start), do a lot of research on how decisions are made where you live, look at the different factions and into current issues. Then think whether mayor is really where you want to go right now. You might want to consider joining a party first, and become active there. It will teach you how the political process works.
Nuric's example of the 18 year old mayor really surprised me, but maybe it is possible where you live. Don't be discouraged, but do thorough research.