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Zack and Wiki = coolest and most intuitive game on Wii?

edited March 2008 in Video Games
Check this out.'_Treasure

This is an absolutely fantastic game, don't hesitate for a second to buy it.


  • edited March 2008
    Please make a link, don't just dump a URL.

    Here's how you make a link:

    <a href="url here">Link Title Here</a>
    Welcome to the internet. n00b.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I really want to get this game, but I haven't gotten around to it. I also have to pick up One Piece: Unlimited Adventure and No More Heroes, Super Smash Brothers Brawl is coming out in a week, so I probably won't play any games other than that until May.
  • I said it elsewhere and it bears repeating here: In my option this is the best Wii game out there, bar none.
  • sry guys .. im not feeling this game to much. im more of a pheonix wright type of guy.... now that game is sick!!!!

    OBJECTION!!!!!!!!!! thats my favorite part of the game, especially with the volume up all the way
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