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My First Ban

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
This might come on as almost a LiveJournal kind of post but please bear with me as I would like the opinion of you guys on this as this forum is pretty big on grammar, spelling, and its enforcement.

I have recently become more and more addicted to my plastic guitar and the best part of the internet to go after this addiction is I also joined up the forums there which has a pretty good atmosphere. My anticipation for Rock Band is also rising more and more and so I also look into the forums for that game as well.

To cover a bit of the back story to this, about a month ago the Official XBox Magazine posted a list of upcoming packs of downloadable content for Rock Band including dates but stated that this was a "subject to change". According to that schedule a so called "Thrash Pack" with Thrash metal was supposed to come out today, but instead, as it was found out the last friday, today saw the release of six songs by The Grateful Dead instead. So this thread starts up at and pretty much everybody starts bitching about it and a few people misspell thrash for "trash". After I saw like two people in a row misspelling the word and having noticed a few other before and being fed up with people's bitching although those dlc junkies get twice the content this week, I write the following:
Anyone who spells thrash without the first h should go sit into what he is writing and shut up.
A few posts later some punk kid who calls himself Degonite and had the misspelled post directly above mine goes off about how he doesn't care to spell correctly on the internet and we shouldn't either, a little discussion about the importance of grammar and spelling starts up without my participation. After noticing said discussion I write the following:
Degonite, my initial comment was directed at you alone as there were a few people who misspelled "Thrash" for "trash".

The purpose of nouns and especially proper nouns is to identify something. If you are not able to correctly identify what you are complaining about, why should anybody give a damn about what you have to say. If you care about something and want to announce your interest in it in a written form, you should at least be able to spell it correctly.
(I have just noticed my mistake of leaving an important negation in the first sentence myself, but I think it would be apparent that I meant "wasn't")

When I tried to enter their forums again this morning, I was greeted by even more bad grammar. At the first I thought somebody hacked their site because of this measly presentation, but after some tedious work to find their IRC I was informed of the result of the discussion:
GetThere1TimeI guess I didn't make myself clear with the warning.

Degonite is banned for 10 days.
chaosof99 is banned for 5 days.

Despite what people might think, I really don't like doing crap like this so please guys, lets keep it on topic and keep the flame wars elsewhere.
I had no previous infractions and haven't been warned about any bad behavior on that forum or any other forum in the ten years I am using internet forums before and I am a moderator in two pretty well frequented forums myself and I honestly can't understand how this warrants a 5 day ban. If you want you can read the entire thing here.

I think the best thing about this is that I haven't even been notified about why or for how long I was banned and due to the way the site was built, I had to delete my cookies for it before I could access the forums again and find the ban being instated. In addition, the only way to contact the moderator who gave me the ban is through a private message in their forums, which of course a banned member cannot access.


  • On the one hand, I agree that it was excessive. I put up with alot of shit on my own forums (mostly from friends), and I have yet to hand out even a single ban.
    On the other hand, it's the site owner/admin's right to ban you for dressing funny if he pleases, just like it's your right to not go to that site anymore if he pisses you off.
  • Why would you go to any other forum but this one? Stay in the Ivory Tower!
  • ......
    edited March 2008
    Meh, 5 days is kinda harsh for informing people that they should also try to spell properly on the internet, on the other hand, why do you care so much? Getting banned isn't that big of a deal.

    Is that some new hip word idiots use these days? A mix of Jesus and jeez perhaps?
    Post edited by ... on
  • I use the infraction system on my Pokemon forum but most of the infractions go to kids who post battle requests in the trade areas and such.

    We give out warnings to new and first time offenders and then we give real points if they persist. We have only had to ban a few users over things and we have not had any spam problems since we dumped phpbb and went to vbulletin.

    The members of the forum are also very good at policing themselves and those around them.

    The biggest problem we have is that kids do not like to take the time to read the FAQ.
  • edited March 2008
    This might come on as almost aLiveJournal kind of post but please bear with me as I would like the opinion of you guys on this as this forum is pretty big ongrammar, spelling,anditsenforcement.
    Wow. You got pwned.

    Anyway, that was one of the mildest, most non-disruptive flamewars I have ever read. If Rym, Scott, and Andrew found arguments like that to be a problem most of us would have been permabanned a long time ago.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • image
    That's Rym banning FlammingGeek. I know the quality's not great, it happened really fast and I took it with my cell phone camera. This is him after he transformed back.
  • I agree; getting banned for informing people that spelling and grammar counts on the Internet, as much as in does the real world, is just plain stupid. I see the mods POV; he was just trying to stop the flame-wars from escalating to a point were everyone takes a side. BUT... If I was a mod on any site I would enforce spelling and grammar like the mods here do. I hate going to sites like penny arcade where it's full of 'shitcocks.'
  • That's Rym banning FlammingGeek. I know the quality's not great, it happened really fast and I took it with my cell phone camera.Thisis him after he transformed back.
    Fucking epic.
  • That's Rym banning FlammingGeek. I know the quality's not great, it happened really fast and I took it with my cell phone camera.Thisis him after he transformed back.
    Fucking epic.
    Especially his awesome Freddy Mercury-esque mustache.
  • I like recycling, so I recycle this thread.

    If you are around the internet and into hockey, sooner or later you will run into, which is probably the biggest single hockey community of the net. But, like John Gabriel's greater internet fuckward theory predicts, it is also a cesspool of stupidity and arrogance. It doesn't exactly help that the board is governed by a despotic group of moderators and administrators. About half a year ago, me and a lot of other people have emigrated to a different board, though some still kept their accounts on HFBoards, sometimes only for the purpose of trolling and calling other people out on their stupidity.

    Some examples of the despotism of the moderators include someone going from global mod to banned within 48 hours because he dared to expose the bullshit the rest of the moderators concoct (e.g. promoting someone with about 60 posts in 5 years of membership to moderator because of nepotism, and informing people that they are on global ignore), banning people for sending PMs about other hockey sites they don't like, and banning people for complaining about the HFBoards mods on other sites.

    Yesterday, a couple of other people I knew were banned for absolutely no reason whatsoever, which prompted me to post the following:

    Of course, the thread was deleted within 5 minutes by a global mod, and I was slapped with a warning. After arguing my case with that mod for a total of four posts (two by him, two by me) via private message, I was banned from the site:
    Dear chaosof99,

    You have received an infraction at HFBoards.

    Reason: Moderator Abuse
    You signed up and accepted the rules.

    This infraction is worth 5 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
    And I'm saying the rules are ********. That's my entire point!

    Also, it's quite ridiculous when not even the moderators and administrators are keeping their own rules, and people can and have been banned for virtually no reason, no reason has to ever be specified or justified to anybody else, and the people who have been banned have absolutely no recourse.

    This is a despotic form of governance. Wield all the power and leave nobody even the slightest chance to complain or protest.

    Yes, you can point at the "you signed up for it", but that doesn't make it magically go away that this is a ridiculous and despotic system.
    You signed up for it, nobody made you. It's your own decision to decide whether or not you want to post on a board, or wanted to post on this board in the first place.
    Indeed, and I don't anymore, usually. As I said, and you can probably confirm from my post record, I haven't been active for almost half a year. However, the you are denying me to tell other people to not post here anymore and the reasons why, and I also know of people who have been banned from this site for telling people via PM to not post here anymore and go to another site, and also of people who have been banned for airing their grievances about HFBoards on other sites. And that my friend is *********.
  • edited July 2011
    Yeah, people are jerks, nepotism exists, the world is unfair, but, I'm sorry:

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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