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GeekNights 080303 - What is Programming?

edited March 2008 in Technology
Tonight on GeekNights, we begin a new, ongoing series (which is explained in the show) dealing with the deeper details of Computer Science and Information Technology. Thus, we ask (and answer): what is programming? In the news, planes could be boarded faster, and small computers exist.

Scott's Thing - Project Darkstar
Rym's Thing - The Booze Quiz


  • Programming... One of my favorite hobbies.
  • 83%LUSH

    Nothing to see here, move along ^_^
  • Heh, I got you beat

    I'm not even a drinker. at all
  • 82%LUSH

    Damn, I'm the weakest.
  • It made sense.

    Hmm. The tequila question threw me off and I had to ask for hints on a couple others, but most of them I knew right off. Either I'm a serious booze-hound or I should've been a bartender.
  • The primary reason I enjoyed this quiz so much was that historical knowledge and common sense could substitute for alcoholic knowledge in a pinch. ^_^

    I clicked on one wrong. :/
  • WOOOT 100%! After a bazillion tries. 38% on the first try.
  • edited March 2008
    This weekend was beautiful, it was very warm. Today I woke up and...

    I drink perhaps a 6 pack a year...

    Scott, You may have said this in another post, or group of posts...
    What language do you use most often? What language do you enjoy the most? Do you use an IDE? What IDE do you use? Do you use a "framework" when building an application, or standardized work flow? CVS, SVN, or Other?
    Post edited by am_dragon on
  • What language do you use most often? What language do you enjoy the most? Do you use an IDE? What IDE do you use? Do you use a "framework" when building an application, or standardized work flow? CVS, SVN, or Other?
    I'll get more into this in future shows, but I'll give you the short answers now.

    As of late I am doing most work in PHP, only because that is what most of the applications at my job are built with.

    I don't really enjoy any language the most, but there are some languages I absolutely do not like, such as Perl. The level of programming enjoyment usually depends on the project and the problems being solved, not the language being used.

    For the vast majority of work, I do not use an IDE. I use vim, and I use command line tools. However, for certain projects, using an IDE is warranted. For example, when I was playing around with the Google Android SDK, I used Eclipse because there was a handy plugin.

    I use a framework to build an application when a framework is warranted. For example, I am currently in the planning stages of making a game built on the GameGardens framework.

    I don't have any strictly defined work flow. I just work generally according to the standard software development life cycle. The specifics of what order I do things, and how I do things, are determined by necessity and whimsy.

    I used to not care which version control software I used. I would use CVS if other people were using CVS. I would use SVN if other people were using SVN. I would use RCS if I was working alone, because it is easier. However, now that I have discovered Git, all those other version control systems can suck the dog dick of Anubis. We're switching to it at work, and I'm using it for all my projects at home. It is superior to every other version control system I have ever used in every conceivable fashion.
  • can suck the dog dick of Anubis.
    Oh mans, that was too funny. I've never heard that one before.
  • Oh mans, that was too funny. I've never heard that one before.
    Stolen from Bubba Ho-tep.
  • This show was great, IMHO.

    As an aspiring scifi (amongst other topics) author, I often run up against the struggle of taking some technical concept and stating it in some way that is both accessible to the uninitiated, as well as accurate enough to give one a working knowledge of what the implied rules are. You're "notes on the sidewalk" comparison was stellar!

    On the flip side, I am only (barely) a hobby level interest when it comes to programing. I used to play around in ApplesoftBasic back on my old Apple IIGS, but it's been years since I actually studied anything beyond a few unix/linux command line tools. Currently I'm trying to teach myself C, so I'm really looking forward to the next few shows!

    Ok, rambled enough. Thanks!
  • Thanks, I have more of an admin background, but my current job has pushed me into web development. I've been using Eclipse for most of my work. I was given a copy of Dreamweaver when I started my current job, but I can use Eclipse at home. The CFEclipse plugin is just as good as Dreamweaver, and Aptana is better for html, css, and xml. Our company uses Coldfusion so that's mainly what I'm using to write web applications at work.

    I have a co-worker that's been programming for years and he swears by Emacs. I just can't get into it, the learning curve is like a vertical wall, a 50 foot vertical wall with spikes. The only drawback I have with Eclipse is I can't just ssh into a server and fire it up like Vi or Emacs.

    He uses CVS for version control, I've been looking at SVN, I just set up an SVN server in my office. The company standard is SVN, but you have to put in a request to use the corporate SVN system and they "charge" our group for the space on their server. I want to learn SVN though because it's the company standard.
  • He uses CVS for version control, I've been looking at SVN, I just set up an SVN server in my office. The company standard is SVN, but you have to put in a request to use the corporate SVN system and they "charge" our group for the space on their server. I want to learn SVN though because it's the company standard.
    SVN and CVS are actually very similar. SVN only solves a few of the problems with CVS. If you know how to use one, you know how to use the other. The major difference is that svn has atomic commits. Once you understand what that really means, you'll be all set.

    You might want to consider Git anyway. One of the greatest features of Git is that it can talk to CVS or SVN servers. This way even if you work with people who insist on CVS or SVN, you can still use Git on your own. Another advantage is that if you setup a Git repository, CVS can still talk to it. So if someone on the team insists on using CVS when everyone else is using Git, it can still work out.
  • edited March 2008
    Ha ha! Lowest score so far! (EDIT: See below) I am so not a drinker, it's not funny. It's amazing that I scored over 50%. XD;;

    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Lowest score so far!
    Hey! Don't you be skipping over my post!
  • edited March 2008
    Ah sorry, I did miss that one. As I was skimming, all I saw was the 100%. ^^;; Okay, second-lowest score so far!
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • I came across an interesting theory regarding the universe being a giant computer, there's a summary here. It's working off an extremely broad definition of a computer (or over-applying the current one), but I thought it was entertaining as theory.
  • "If the Universe Were a Computer" it would have the best specs in the Universe and beyond!
  • I think I got around a 81. Pretty good, I think, given that I barely drink.
  • Something interesting I noticed in this episode when you were talking about Darkstar is videogame lexicon. I've started to notice that the more I try and write about games, the less the videogame lexicon seems to be useful. There aren't many words that are specific to videogames, and what ones there are usually don't really have consistent meanings, or logically make sense to what they are describing necessarily (much like your talk in the show.)
  • Darkstar does have some competition. for example, is a MMO focused initiative which includes a few server projects.
  • Darkstar does have some competition. for example, is a MMO focused initiative which includes a few server projects.
    I took a peek. It doesn't look like that Cyphesis can really compete with Darkstar.
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