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Wi-Fi PSP vs. DS Lite

edited March 2008 in Technology
In the building where I work there are a number of "open" Wi-Fi routers whose signal bleeds into the building. The laptops in the building have to be configured not to grab onto these unsecured Wi-Fi networks but I am wondering something else.

On a whim I walked the perimeter of my building with my DS Lite on looking for open routers. Even in areas where a laptop would pick up ten or more my DS would only find one, always the locked one. I have a PSP at home but I am wondering if anyone knows the range of the Wi-Fi on these two devices. I know the range on the DS is rather poor but, is the PSP just as bad?


  • My PSP can pick up a ton of routers in certain areas. I could pick up my neighbors a few yards away and it's about 40%. The only thing is it only works at least 50% or more for my PSP. That might be just me.

    Anyway the PSP picks up anything in my experience. Not just one.
  • I dont know if anyone cares anymore, but I have both a psp and a ds and I have found that not only is the psp better at finding a connection, but it also keeps the connection better as well.
    Also, the psp is faster to connect and supports all wifi security types except for one that I know of, while ds supports only WEP.
  • Also, the psp is faster to connect and supports all wifi security types except for one that I know of, while ds supports only WEP.
    Rumor has it that the DSi will support the WPA.
  • Also, the psp is faster to connect and supports all wifi security types except for one that I know of, while ds supports only WEP.
    Rumor has it that the DSi will support the WPA.
    But will still lack anything to make it worth connecting to the internet.
  • I have a PSP and a DS and I love my PSP a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than my DS. The PSP supports higher encyrption, like WPA2-TSK. Also like people said before, the PSP picks up lots more networks AND STAYS CONNECTED TO THEM!!!!!! My DS keeps breaking up, I've only got to go online ONCE with it.
  • Lolwut? Who are you trying to satire?
  • Ok, even if you can access WiFi with the PSP...what can you do with it?

    Nothing, really. Just browse (which you could do with everything else anyway).
  • Ok, even if you can access WiFi with the PSP...what can you do with it?

    Nothing, really. Just browse (which you could do with everything else anyway).
    It can actually do some nice things over the air, like get podcasts and whatnot. the problem is that the PSP is so big that it's useless for those purposes. Even if the PSP had the full capabilities of a laptop, it would still be too big. The Nokia N810 has all those capabilities and is much smaller.
  • edited October 2008
    If only Sony would hire the guy who made this mock-up.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • If only Sony would hire the guy who made this mock-up.
    That's very nice looking, but whoever designed that forgot something very important. You need to also design the technology that goes inside that box to fit, not overheat, not interfere, etc. Desigining a great exterior is great when you don't actually have to worry about putting real working reliable electronics inside.
  • edited October 2008
    I doubt Sony engineers would have that hard a time of it.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I doubt Sony engineers would have that hard a time of it.
    It's not about whether the engineers are smart. It's about whether it's possible. There are a lot of things you have to take into consideration when designing a device. Heat and interference are the chief concerns, but are just two of many. Really, how naive are you?
  • edited October 2008
    Really, how naive are you?
    Back up there, I'm just saying, it isn't that far fetched a design and it's a mock-up so it would be adjusted to the hardware. What's with the big attitude?
    Also assume the disc slot is gone in favor of memory cards (feasible? anyone know how big a UMD game is?).
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Really, how naive are you?
    I think this is a bit unwarranted. The technology exists to do this. The mock-up isn't unreasonably tiny; a PSP doesn't actually have all that much in it to begin with. If you take a peek around Google, you can see that the PSP modscene have been taking its guts and shoving it into increasingly smaller boxes. Much of the girth of the existing PSP are the plastic wings supporting the analogue sticks and control surfaces that jut off of the screen mount. In fact, almost the entirety of the space behind the screen is consumed by the UMD drive - lop that off, and you could most likely make the PSP smaller than in that mockup.
  • It's not just size, layout is far more important. If you've never been involved in the development of an electronic product, you have no idea how much goes into the process, and how many different disciplines and players have to provide input. You can't just design a pretty picture and then expect everything else to fall in line.
  • edited October 2008
    You can't just design a pretty picture and then expect everything else to fall in line.
    Did we imply it would be that simple? No.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited October 2008
    It's not just size, layout is far more important. If you've never been involved in the development of an electronic product, you have no idea how much goes into the process, and how many different disciplines and players have to provide input. You can't just design a pretty picture and then expect everything else to fall in line.
    I worked on a project with the Canadian Forces to design and prototype a radio-silent, field-deployable UAV. I am well aware of the amount of manpower and people-hours that go into developing technology. I worked on developing the circuits that interfaced the guidance system to the instruments. We had a team of fifteen engineers, myself included, who worked on avionics alone.

    That PSP design is most likely doable. Sure, it'll take A LOT of work, but they could make it happen.
    Post edited by Lusankya on
  • But will still lack anything to make it worth connecting to the internet.
    Eh, there is the DSware store. Also, when modders get a good hack for the SD slot, I'm sure some good online features will come from that, too.
  • I love my PSP...When it's not shutting off randomly, claiming that my Wi-Fi switch is off when it isn't, or freezing when the browser loads.
  • I love my PSP...When it's used to play Nintendo's games.
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