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email humor

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
I just got this one in an email and thought it rather funny.


For centuries, Hindu women have worn a dot on their foreheads. Most of us have naively thought this was connected with marriage or religion, but the Indian embassy in Washington , D.C. has recently revealed the true story.

When a Hindu woman gets married, she brings a dowry into the union. On her wedding night, the husband scratches off the dot to see whether he has won a convenience store, a gas station, a donut shop or a motel in the United States. If nothing is there, he must take a job in India answering telephones and giving technical advice.


  • Wow. That's lamer than "Why can't Helen Keller drive? Because she's a woman"
  • E-Mail humor is the worst kind there is.
  • E-Mail humor is the worst kind there is.
    What about scatological humor?
  • edited March 2008
    Did you really think that was funny or are you just so starved for attention that you'll post any goddamn thing you can, the more outrageous the better?

    When you walk, do your knuckles drag against the ground? Jesus Christ.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on

  • When you walk, do your knuckles drag against the ground? Jesus Christ.
    No, but my elbows do.
  • That was, in my estimation, the lamest joke I have ever heard. The world is less funny for having experienced it. At no point in you rambling, incoherent attempt at humor was there even anything remotely resembling a joke. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
  • There's more humor in a drumstick crossing the road to knock knock on my door.
  • That was, in my estimation, the lamest joke I have ever heard. The world is less funny for having experienced it. At no point in you rambling, incoherent attempt at humor was there even anything remotely resembling a joke. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
    Billy Madison FTW.
  • Eh guys? The only humor I see is HMTKSteve making a fool out of himself, but I don't think he wanted to humiliate himself. So... what's supposed to be funny?
  • edited March 2008
    Aaaaagh. Just....Aaaagh.

    You laughed at that? My respect for you has dropped to almost zero. Pretty ignorant, man.

    [edit] Scratch the "almost." And replace "has dropped to" with just plain "is." From your track record on this forum it didn't have far to fall.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Is this any better?

  • edited March 2008
    Is this any better?

    Yes, mostly because of physical injury.
    Post edited by rhinocero on
  • Is this any better?
    Old image is old.
  • edited March 2008
    Worst jokes I know:
    Q: What is red and white and screams.
    A: A skinned baby in a bag of salt.

    Q: What is brown, goes round and screams.
    A: A baby in a microwave.

    Q: What is the best thing about having sex with twenty five year olds.
    A: There are twenty of them.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Is this any better?
    Too little, too late. The damage has been done.
  • edited March 2008
    Worst jokes I know...

    <-- offended and completely WTF'd.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • This thread remindes me of
  • Please delete this thread. We are not getting any enjoyment out of it, and I'm sure HMTKSteve regrets it by now.
  • This thread remindes me of
    No. is funny the first time you read it.
  • This is totally /b/. I mean....

    Posting in an epic thread.
  • gb2/the internets/
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