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So I just had a great idea for a survival horror video game

edited March 2008 in Video Games
Imagine in your mind a standard survival horror game. Now imagine playing through this game and all of the sudden you open a door and the screen goes fuzzy and then blank. Then suddenly the screen comes back on and it's a live image of you and a figure behind you about ready to strike. All that would be needed would be the Playstation Eye and they could incorporate the image to appear to be behind you. What do you think? I'm thinking this would be cool for a Fatal Frame type game.


  • At first it sounded like you were describing Eternal Darkness.
  • I recently bought that game on ebay and I'm just waiting for it to arrive.
  • It's not going to work because you need to set up a peripheral before hand.
  • When the screen is all black, it'll reflect. That would work, would it not?

    Also, Fatal Frame (project zero) is AWESOME!!!
  • When the screen is all black, it'll reflect. That would work, would it not?
    CRT/Glossy screens only, Matte TFTs wouldn't reflect.
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2008
    I'm wondering why Eternal Darkness hasn't gotten a fan-made sequel yet, especially since Silicon Knights promised a sequel in the game and haven't come through yet.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • ......
    edited May 2008
    I'm wondering why Eternal Darkness hasn't gotten a fan-made sequel yet, especially since Silicon Knights promised a sequel in the game and haven't come through yet.
    First of all: GOD FU$%#^$&*@#$&;*@#G! Learn to quote? 1: Start typing directly after the closing tag ob the blockquote, DO NOT put an empty line between it and your response (this is even in the rules for fuck's sake). 2: "ess." is not a quote, "Eternal Darkness." was the minimum quote you should've used to let people know what the hell you are replying to.

    Second of all: How many games, movies and other stuff get fan-made sequels, prequels and remakes? VERY FEW! And that's with the crazy popular stuff, Eternal Darkness is barely there. Hell, I bet nobody in the Netherlands safe for a handful of crazy Gamecube fanboys know about the game.

    Third of all: People have been waiting for longer than 6 years for some sequels without making it themselves.

    Also, when quoting you should start your post directly after the blockquote.

    do this:
    Here is some stuff that Rym said.
    Here is what I have to say about what Rym said.

    don't do this:
    Here is some other stupid stuff Rym said.
    Here is what I have to say about what Rym said, but I put blank lines after his quote for no reason.
    - SOURCE.
    Post edited by ... on
  • That may sound good to you now but the execution may be terrible.

    Think of the Blair Witch Project and the recent monster movie filmed in "shaky cam". Yeah, it sounds like a great idea but if it annoys more than half of the audience, is it worth it?
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