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Snowed in in Cleveland: what do you do on such days?

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
Well, we just tried to pack up the family and go skiing. We made it about a mile before we estimated that the chance of getting to the slopes alive was less than within acceptable levels of tolerance.

So now I’m kind of presented with my ideal situation. I am compelled to stay home. I can catch up on all the GN episodes I’ve missed, watch Trigun and Master Keaton and Venture Bros. I can read my Python programming book and I can even edit the lost episode of FNPL that I’ve blown off for weeks. In short, today I can do all the things I’ve wanted to do for months (perhaps even years) and never have had time to do.

In this rare set of circumstances, I must be efficient. I need to bring forth from memory all of these things that I’ve put on the back burner. I have to waste the time efficiently or I’ll double waste time doing things that pass the time in ways that are sub-optimal.

This is serious business!

So what do you do on snow days?


  • edited March 2008
    Getting bad down here in canton also they ran out of salt and told us not to drive on any of the roads. I've for most of the day took time to clean the stuff in the basement and I am starting to run out of stuff to do today also.

    Seems like this day I will get caught up in playing some of the games that I have been putting off. Also doing some work for school.
    Post edited by Alan on
  • It's just raining here. Doing some big time computer action.
  • Yeah, it's pouring out here, off and on.
  • Compared to what you get up there in NY with lake effect this is nothing though. I feel like people down in the south when they see a dusting of snow and close everything. Its been awhile since we have got this much snow.
  • Absolutely nothing.
  • I just finished shoveling 2 feet of snow from my driveway from that same storm. We should have lunch together sometime, Thaed.
  • Also, reading.
  • Snow, rain. Sucks for you, I'm enjoying a sunny 72°
  • It is nice and sunny here too. But I'm sick and spending the day inside so I can be well enough to play SSB:B tomorrow with my friends!
  • I just finished shoveling 2 feet of snow from my driveway from that same storm. We should have lunch together sometime, Thaed.
    Sounds like a good idea. I've got 3/14, 17, 18, or 19 free. What works for you?
  • Just spend about 2 hours shoveling...and I'm only about half way done. Hasn't stopped snowing yet here in Columbus.
    Hope it stops soon so I can pick up Brawl tonight.
  • I just finished shoveling 2 feet of snow from my driveway from that same storm. We should have lunch together sometime, Thaed.
    Sounds like a good idea. I've got 3/14, 17, 18, or 19 free. What works for you?
    Jason and Thaed sittin' in a tree . . .
  • Same stuff I do on any other day ^_^
  • Same stuff I do on any other day ^_^
    Try to take over... THE WORLD!
  • Jason and Thaed sittin' in a tree . . .
    Jason you're an ass. I can't believe you are cheating on me...
  • I am also snowed in today, but in Columbus. I decided to make the day useful and played Zelda on the WII for the last 8 hours. I've had the game for over a year but haven't had this much time to play it. I still haven't finished it yet, so I am hoping for more snow tomorrow!
  • Oh how I envy the snowed-in! I could count the number of times during the past 20 or so years that the temperature has dropped below freezing around here on the fingers of both hands. And I've seen natural snowfall about as many times on my various adventures.
  • Jason and Thaed sittin' in a tree . . .
    Jason you're an ass. I can't believe you are cheating on me...
    You said we could move to Utah so I could take on other wives. Now this? I'll never understand women.
  • I somehow made it over to my friend's house on Friday night....then I got snowed in. I was stuck there until Sunday morning. We basically just dicked around on the internet and played Xbox. Oh, I also beat the new Advance Wars.
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