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Epic Quests

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
What is the most epic quest you've ever undertaken in your life?


  • Trying to find Windows XP a month after Vista launched.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2008
    The most epic quest I ever had actually happened last night. Me, my brother, and one of my friends walked all the way from my house to Gamestop (which is roughly a mile and a half of walking) for the sole purpose of getting Brawl. Bear in mind we did this at Midnight. We tried to get my dad to drive us but he was way too tired to do it, so we decided to walk there. While we were walking, there was a very strong wind blowing and it was very hard to keep our footing on the ground, and the fact it was REALLY REALLY farkin' cold out didn't help at all. Despite all these obstacles, we got there and got a copy and made it back without dying. This probably something I'll remember for many years to come.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Completing Zelda:MM without turning off the console. Took about two days.
  • edited March 2008
    Attempting to build a hardware firewall from scratch.
    Post edited by Sir_Xander on
  • RymRym
    edited March 2008
    Driving 600 miles with no money in a car that barely ran to stay with people we didn't know at a con we'd never been to. Then, upon arriving, pretending we were professionals who "do this all the time" and staging a gigantic room party in the presidential suite of the hotel while also taking over a panel we weren't supposed to be running. Bonus points when the car broke down in Indiana. Lucky we were able to hobble north into Michigan and find a mechanic who took bad cheques.

    That's by far not the most epic quest I've undertaken, but it's up there.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • This was also pretty epic.
  • edited March 2008
    My epic quest took place last year January, right after Christmas. My boyfriend and I searched and called dozens of stores to find a pink DS Lite. After scouring for hours in horrible stormy weather, we found one at Sears, 5 minutes before they closed.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Oh, I went to Japan too.
  • edited March 2008
    Does raising kids count cause that about as epic as it gets.
    Post edited by am_dragon on
  • Does raising kids count cause that about as epic as it gets.
    Well yeah I guess that is a REALLY epic quest, but I was talkin' more along the lines of a journey to find something very specific and traveling very far to do so. Sort of something that me and Rym mentioned.
  • Does raising kids count cause that about as epic as it gets.
    It may be difficult work, but it is far from epic. Look how many people do it. It can't really be epic if it's so common.
  • edited March 2008
    Cess and I got lost in New Jersey. The way the roads were built we couldn't just drive across the street. We had to turn a completely other way. We just wanted to get to the store! Instead we were somewhere driving for a hour. Well we got some donuts so it wasn't all bad. We also eventually got to a store for the needed supplies and surprisingly had a fun time. The guys were waiting forever though.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Marathoning Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for the Gamecube with Rym, Scott, and Katsu was pretty epic.

    I once had 14 hours of total delays trying to travel on Amtrak from my upstate New York hometow to Rochester; I suppose that counts as an epic failure.
  • edited March 2008
    Writing, directing, staging, raising money, requirting a fully voluntary crew, publicizing, making costumes, building sets, gertting/making props, and acting in a play for ONE of my final projects for my BA in Theatre. Timetable: 2 months!

    That was pretty epic.

    Also, my wedding.... that was both epic and awesome!
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I suppose that counts as an epic failure.
    Even if you fail epically, it is still epic.
  • Also, my wedding.... that was both epic and awesome!
    That was a legendary wedding. For real.
  • Does raising kids count cause that about as epic as it gets.
    It may be difficult work, but it is far from epic. Look how many people do it. It can't really be epic if it's so common.
    You don't have kids. You have no. bloody. idea.

    Especially if they're horrible little beasts.

    Ahh .. Epicness. I have no tales to tell as of yet...
  • Especially if they're horrible little beasts.
    Wow, thank god for Family and Child Services.
  • Last Epic Quest I went on was back in '97. I hooked up with an on-again, off-again girlfriend to road-trip out to Maryland from where I live in BFE, Illinois to attend a Highlander/Forever Knight themed con with a bunch of people I'd never met IRL from the #Highlander channel on EFNet. It was on this trip that I learned that Pennsylvania numbers their exits sequentially on the tollway instead of by the mile marker. I learned that con nookie with a supah-freak you met at the con dance may not always work out the way you expect. I learned that you can fake an Irish/Scottish accent at a room party with a bunch of people you don't know and that a lot of people will buy it. And lastly I learned that pulling off the interstate at some godforsaken exit just because your girlfriend is feeling frisky is a damn good way to get lost.

    Fun times, I tell you. Fun times.
  • Especially if they're horrible little beasts.
    Wow, thank god for Family and Child Services.
    ^-^ Yay for not actually owning these beasts. I've babysat and have a niece and nephew though...
  • Driving 600 miles with no money in a car that barely ran to stay with people we didn't know at a con we'd never been to. Then, upon arriving, pretending we were professionals who "do this all the time" and staging a gigantic room party in the presidential suite of the hotel while also taking over a panel we weren't supposed to be running. Bonus points when the car broke down in Indiana. Lucky we were able to hobble north into Michigan and find a mechanic who took bad cheques.

    That's by far not themostepic quest I've undertaken, but it's up there.
    What about the epic quest you had when Scott and someone else whose name escapes me at the moment was driving home from Katsucon in your car which almost ran out of gas?
  • It may be difficult work, but it is far from epic. Look how many people do it. It can't really be epic if it's so common.
    I didn't say have kids, that's common (pretty epic in and of itself but you won't know until it happens to you). Raising them to be productive members of society, that is epic.

    To follow the spirit of the post here is a short epic story. I was in high school, 17 years old, in a small town in Iowa. Since it was a small town I was good friends with some older guys (mid 20's). Went into town Friday night, Green (nickname) asked me if I wanted to go with him, his brother Evil (nickname) and Road (nickname) to Kansas City to see Monsters of Rock at Arrowhead stadium. I called my parents told them I was going to a concert. We left that night hung out a some guys house and partied all day Saturday. Here I am 17, hanging at a party with a bunch of people in their 20's and 30's. I saw lots of wild shit that weekend, then we saw Dokken, Metallica, The Scorpions, and Van Halen in concert. That was a great experience.
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