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GeekNights 080310 - What is Information Technology?



  • It is amazing how fast the Spitzer story went from being about the money transfers to, "it's just about sex". I guess the Democrats feel that defense worked fine when Clintonlied under oathabout sex so why not try it again?
    Its more than a bit silly to pin the shift in this story on a group of shadowing Democratic Party masterminds who are responsible for every possible damage control spin over the past twelve or so years. The media spins it this way because it sells. Free market journalism is simplest explanation here. Bringing up Clinton out of nowhere, just demonstrates that you have an axe to grind and are looking for the flimsiest excuse to do so.
    It's not about having an axe to grind. It's that everyone on here knows about the Clinton impeachment and how it was spun as "everyone lies about sex". I could have used another example but then I run the risk of some forum members not being familiar with the history.
  • edited March 2008
    I could have used another example but then I run the risk of some forum members not being familiar with the history.
    Everyone knows that no one knows as much history as Steve. Also, no one knows how to google. So that's pretty reasonable I guess.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I could have used another example but then I run the risk of some forum members not being familiar with the history.
    Actually, please enlighten us Steve. Not all of us have the benefit of your fancy education and your astronomically high IQ. What, pray, is this other example that the rest of us are too dumb to know?
  • Unfortunately, the person in charge of Alberta is not Prince Albert.

    We actually just had a provincial election recently, and I was sad that I didn't get to vote (couldn't get back to my polling station in time). Not that it would have done much good, because the PCs won an overwhelming majority, as is usual for this province. Damn entrenched Conservative party... *grumblegrumble* Anyway, that makes Ed Stelmach still the premier of Alberta. Oh well. At least he's not Ralph Klein, the previous leader of the Alberta PCs, who had a far more nefarious reputation.

    Here are the numbers from the provincial election:

    Progressive Conservative - Ed Stelmach: 72 seats (previously 60), 52.66% of the vote
    Liberal - Kevin Taft: 9 seats (previously 16), 26.37% of the vote
    New Democratic Party - Brian Mason: 2 seats (previously 4), 8.52% of the vote
    Wildrose Alliance - Paul Hinman: 0 seats (previously 1), 6.77% of the vote
    Greens - George Read: 0 seats (no change), 4.58% of the vote
    Other parties: Not really worth mentioning. Though, the Communist Party did get 96 votes! XD
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