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edited March 2008 in Everything Else
I just found out today that I have a new job. I applied for a position about a month ago, see this post. Today I found out, I'm in.

This is, for all intents and purposes, a dream job for me. I will be part of the tier 3 support team at a network operations center, for a fortune 50 telecommunications company. I've worked very hard, and I'm sure there are many challenges ahead, but I am ecstatic. I am so excited, I've talked to a few former co-works in that office, and it seem like it's going to be a blast.

So what's your dream job? What do you really want to do? No fanciful answers like "King/Queen of England", please.


  • WOOT. Go you! =3

    Dream job: Character designer at Nerdcorps. <3 Or any really good company that has made some of my favorite animation (Japanese excluded).
  • Working for myself. This could be owning a computer repair shop, writing some awesome softwares of my own design, both, or something else similar.
  • This could be owning a computer repair shop, writing some awesome softwares of my own design, both, or something else similar.
    What about growing tomatoes?
    Anyway, my dream job would be something just challenging enough that I needed to use my skills on a daily basis, but not so challenging that I was constantly working overtime and running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
  • What about growing tomatoes?
    Not really good for a job.
  • Not really good for a job.
    What happened to being a high school CS teacher?
  • What happened to being a high school CS teacher?
    I'm trying to be realistic here. No place will let me teach the kids as I want, and no place will make CS a required class for one semester every year.
  • edited March 2008
    I'm trying to be realistic here. No place will let me teach the kids as I want, and no place will make CS a required class for one semester every year.
    Don't be too sure. I went to school in Fairfax County Virginia. My CS teacher was amazing. He consistently had full classes, taught the class how he wanted because there was no standardized tests for CS, and even let kids come after school on Wednesdays to play Counter Strike and other games with him. His class consistently had the highest AP CS scores in the county as well. He also had a class called Computer Systems where the whole year was dedicated to making either a mod for a game or your own game in a group. It was very dynamic and the whole year had your group structured like a real world software development team. You had free reign on what you wanted to do. That man probably had the biggest influence on my academic life than any other teacher.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • My dream job is unrealistic. It's being paid for doing whatever I want to do, when I want to do it, where I want to do it. And everything being business expenses.
  • edited March 2008
    What happened to being a high school CS teacher?
    After school program for kids that are really interested in CS/IT at the computer shop. I know I really enjoy teaching. Money wise it wasn't the best.
    My dream job is unrealistic. It's being paid for doing whatever I want to do, when I want to do it, where I want to do it. And everything being business expenses.
    You've been reading to much about Hunter S. Thompson.
    Post edited by am_dragon on
  • I did really enjoy teaching. Money wise it wasn't the best.
    My college band director just left her current job to head the music program at a public high school for 100k in Georgia.
  • After school program for kids that are really interested in CS/IT at the computer shop. I know I really enjoy teaching. Money wise it wasn't the best.
    There would definitely be some sort of computer classes or tutoring offered at my computer shop.
  • Working for myself. This could be owning a computer repair shop, writing some awesome softwares of my own design, both, or something else similar.
    Wasn't there a picture like that? Selling Tomatos and Computer Repair out of a little house? It's like a utopian dream.

    I would like to be the person whose name appears under the title "created by" in the credits of a TV show, but the only reason that is not my perfect perfect job is that television and film production is insanely busy and I would have no free time. (Would be great, though.) BUT! If we are talking perfect-perfect dream job...well, I found out about a trend in Japan in Neko Cafes. No, they are not the cat-girl version of maid cafes. They are little shops that let people who live in no-pets apartments hang out and drink coffee and play with the many, many cats while sitting in comfy furniture. My dream job is to draw indie comics for a living and run a rabbit cafe/ bread bakery. I would bake fresh bread while the customers sit in armchairs with their hot steaming rolls fresh from the oven and pet my multitude of bunnies that hop happily around the room. At 6, I would close the doors, feed the rabbits, go upstairs to my apartment and draw for hours until I fell asleep on my soft pile of futons and blankets. I would wake at dawn and go down stairs to watch the rabbits dance and begin the days baking. That is my fantasy job.
  • You've been reading to much about Hunter S. Thompson.
    (serious)Who? I've seen the name before I think, but know nothing of the guy.
  • You know Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? That guy.

    "This is Bat Country!"
  • You know Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? That guy.

    "This is Bat Country!"
    Haven't seen the movie. I have seen the book on shelves a few times but never knew until a month or two back that it is supposed to be awesome (the movie at least). <3 Youtube. I must watch the movie for I like teh lolcats.
  • Congratulations.
  • edited March 2008
    *Zelda "got item" theme*
    You got a promotion.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • (serious)Who? I've seen the name before I think, but know nothing of the guy.
    You should look him up just for the trivia if nothing else. As a Journalist Thompson would become involved in the stories he wrote. He wrote for Rolling Stone (and other magazines) in the 60's and 70's. One of the things he is famous for is just sending expense bills to Rolling Stone, no story, no explanation, and no way to get in touch with him. He had your dream job. I doubt we will ever see a journalist with that type of freedom in our current culture, but I digress.
    *Zelda "got item" theme*
    You got a promotion.
    Nice one.
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