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Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates

edited March 2008 in Video Games
I know most people are playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl, however, who's currently playing? What do you think so far? I'm about 2 hours in Story Mode in Old Town. Other than the annoying voice acting, the game is pretty fun. I like how they integrated the map to the top corner and it also includes monster tracking. Too bad it doesn't show treasure box tracking or have a monster info as well.

Some of doors were a bit tricky to open at first. I ran out of magic magicites and had to go back into previous rooms to kill more monsters that dropped them. Also when it came to food drops, you can't pick them up and store them in your inventory. They get used right away once picked up. :/

I probably going to start doing the multi-player campaign sometime this weekend with my friends. I'll let you know how that mode goes.

Also, they finally gave the Lilties arms! Before it was just large gloves connected to their shoulders somehow. I found that to be amusing. ^^


  • I really want this game, but I won't be able to get it for a while.
  • It just came in the mail from Amazon. Give it some time. Have to finish Ace Attorney 4 first.
  • There's a new Crystal Chronicles? Win.
  • It is much better than the GameCube version, that's for sure.
  • I played the first level just now. It's not really doing it for me. We'll see how the multiplayer is. I might give up on this one.
  • Did you play the first level of the Story Mode or the Multiplay Mode?
  • I had my first multi-player session last night with two friends. Overall it was pretty fun, however there are a few things that I really didn't care for. First off, from reading different reviews, I was expecting a lot of lag in the multi-player, however I rarely noticed it. I really like not having the "bucket" anymore and feeling constricted in where you can and can't go and always having to stay near your party members. When you're in a room, each player can move freely throughout the room to whatever side. Of course you can't advance to the next room without your team members, but you can see where your members are with the map. Another things that's cool, in multi-player mode you can make up to 8 different characters to play from.

    As for combat, I like how there is combat damage text now, but it would make more sense if we know the health the monsters we were encountering. In my earlier post, I stated I really disliked the needs for multiple magicites of the spells because it makes a person more conservative in using magic, especially for the Yukes, who are more proficient in magic use. In single player mode, I was really conservative because of the magicite drop rate, however in multi-player they drop fairly frequently. One thing that people need to watch is for when you are in combat, team members can do damage to other team members. I don't think it's a lot, but I played as a Lilty and my cleaves were stunning my team members at times. I had upgraded gear and the iron version of the Lilty weapon and holy crap, Lilties pack a fucking wallop. Most of the classes use the same type of weapons, however they changed the Selkie weapon from using the "tennis racket" looking club to using bow and arrows. It's actually a lot better this way. Selkies can do long ranged damage and can hit monsters from really far away.

    I honestly miss the multi-player goals for each town. Instead of each member having goals to earn who has first choice on the boss's shinies, they just drop the loot and it's a free-for-all. Now we have leveling. I'll also point out something that I really feel Scrym will not enjoy about multi-player, it's like a MMORPG. You have to level to learn moves, and there are quests. The king of Rebena Te Ra has quests for you to start out with. Some of them are actually pretty fun and amusing, others can die an a gotdamn fire. You get a decent amount of loot after each quest, in which the king or his servant opens a treasure chest after you complete it and it once again becomes a free-for-all to grab the loot.

    My friends and I played for about 3-4 hours last night and we are level 11 now. We've cleared 2 areas and completed around 12 quests. I still plan on playing with my friends, probably once a week. Just thought I'd give my take on multi-player so far.
  • Did you play the first level of the Story Mode or the Multiplay Mode?
    Story obviously. That's why I said "We'll see how the multiplayer is."
  • Did you play the first level of the Story Mode or the Multiplay Mode?
    Story obviously. That's why I said "We'll see how the multiplayer is."
    Well, you can play through the Multiplay mode by yourself, so I assumed that you were speaking of playing with other people.

    Also, the Story mode is relatively mediocre. I almost skipped it altogether.
  • I think that Crystal Chronicles is now completely dead to me.
  • I think that Crystal Chronicles is nowcompletely dead to me.
    Think of it this way: Nintendo has finally figured out downloadable content (to an extent).
  • I think that Crystal Chronicles is nowcompletely dead to me.
    Does this mean you stopped playing it for the DS as well?
  • I think that Crystal Chronicles is nowcompletely dead to me.
    Does this mean you stopped playing it for the DS as well?
    Days ago.
  • I think that Crystal Chronicles is nowcompletely dead to me.
    Does this mean you stopped playing it for the DS as well?
    Days ago.
    I take it that the game was not so stellar then.
  • I take it that the game was not so stellar then.
    If you are masochist, highly recommended.
  • If I was a masochist, I'd play something like FlyFF.
    If I need something fun to kill a train ride into the city, I play the quests or dungeons with a friend. I really enjoy playing it like this. I don't play single player. I agree that it's not better then Crystal Chronicles on GC.
  • I take it that the game was not so stellar then.
    If you are masochist, highly recommended.
    Well, I do already play WoW. This can't be that bad.
  • Well, I do already play WoW. This can't be that bad.
    I've already had another session with my friends for multiplayer. I do agree with the original FF:CC on GC is better, however the DS isn't so bad, in my opinion. The lag was a bit more noticeable, however there are some things that I do like.

    One thing is with the armor. There is a lot more armor and weapons. I think it's a bit much, however for those who like costumes, they have a ton of them. Some are pretty funny looking, others are badass. What is also cool is if you don't like your armor, you can drop it down on the group and your friends can pick it up and use them. They don't allow for money to drop, however.

    I'm really loving the Lilty. Their racial ability with alchemy is pretty fun. Also with their charge attack, it's awesome. They basically summon a pot then you press "A" again and the Lilty charges into the pot and rolls toward the target. It amused me when I first did this.

    A lot of the quests the king has are pretty dumb, but there are some that are easy to get fast XP and loot.

    I wouldn't totally knock this game, but Scrym made valid points. I don't know how I feel about the news for the FF:CC on the Wii yet. I'll have to read more about it.
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