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Google Gears on Google Calendar!

edited March 2008 in Technology
Finally! Check out your Gcal's everyone and please Digg the link below!
Edit: It doesn't look fully implemented yet but its coming!
Google Calendar with Google Gears!


  • Are you asking for Diggs? Not cool man, not cool.
  • Linking to the Digg story, linking to your blog?

    At least just link to the blog, and save me some clicks.
  • Linking to the Digg story, linking to your blog?

    At least just link to the blog, and save me some clicks.
    Not only that, but the blog post is only a fucking picture. Learn to write a real blog post worth posting somewhere.
  • I thought the picture and the title pretty much spoke for themselves, but you have a very good point. Excitement is not excuse for poor content. I have since updated the post.
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