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Do gamers always finish their games?

edited March 2008 in Video Games
I always finish my RPGs. There are a few exceptions, like how I'm too underleveled in Golden Sun: The lost age to beat the final boss (and also, too lazy to level my party up), and in FFII where I don't have the blood sword or adequate skills to beat the final boss...

But in other games, I usually DON'T beat them. Mario is my best example. It's one of my favorite game franchises ever, but the only one I've truly beaten is the original...yet I've played Mario 3, Mario World, Mario 64, Mario Sunshine, New SMB, among others......yeah, it's pretty lame...but usually there's a point in those games where it's just so frustrating to keep trying to beat a level over and over and over again. So I usually just stop playing, then get back to it when I feel like it...which is usually like a year later.


  • I consider myself to be a gamer. Although I may not always finish my games, more times than not I do. Reasons why I don't finish a game usually include, either the game sucks big time, or I get no time to play it. Another thing is, do you consider finishing a game by getting all the awards? For a game like TF2 there are so many awards available, it would almost take grinding to achieve them all.
  • I used to leave certain games unfinished, mostly because of my aversion to FAQs. Since then, I've changed a bit; I usually beat games nowadays. However, I think games may have just gotten easier too. It's expected to finish a game.
  • I consider myself to be a gamer. Although I may not always finish my games, more times than not I do. Reasons why I don't finish a game usually include, either the game sucks big time, or I get no time to play it. Another thing is, do you consider finishing a game by getting all the awards? For a game like TF2 there are so many awards available, it would almost take grinding to achieve them all.
    Well, I usually consider a game beaten once the final boss, level, dungeon, stage, puzzle, etc has been beaten. Not once you've caught all the pokemon, obtained 100% of the items, and stupid crap like that that usually takes grinding to complete.
  • Nope.
  • I unfortunately don't get to beat most of my games as I don't have enough time to.
  • Recently I lose interest in games before I finish them.
  • Yeah somethings it is not about time, it's just about interest, or something else taking my attention. I do fell bad sometimes for not finishing some games. Right now Mass Effect is the one keeping me up at nights for not being finished.
  • I haven't beaten most of my games. It is partially a time factor but mainly just that I have a sort of ADD for games. Usually I don't play one game furiously until I beat it, I play whatever game I feel like playing. I usually try to beat rpg's but never seem to. It's usually because something get's me to stop playing it for a couple of days and then I just don't feel like playing it. Then when I do want to play it I have to figure out where I was and what i was supposed to do. this is especially problomatic with old rpg's like final fantasy IV.
  • I have never finished a full game.

    Except one: Phoenix Wright 2. XD; I'm trying to beat PW3, Lost Magic, etc., but I don't have consistent attention, skills, nor time.

    Of course I also have several games that can go on forever: WoW, Tetris, DDR, etc...
  • edited March 2008
    Wow guys, thanks for providing useful discussion.

    And yeah, recently I've just been spending time doing other things messing around on the internet, that have been sucking up all my time.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • I try to finish the main game, if I really enjoy it. 100% never.
  • edited March 2008
    But in other games, I usually DON'T beat them. Mario is my best example. It's one of my favorite game franchises ever, but the only one I've truly beaten is the original...yet I've played Mario 3, Mario World, Mario 64, Mario Sunshine, New SMB...
    At least tell me you played and beaten the Special World levels in Super Mario World, thats the best part.

    Sometimes I like games enough to not beat them, for example I still haven't beaten Final Fantasy VII, I always quit when I get to that big crater. It took me many years to beat Secret of Evermore, I just kept restarting the game when I got to the end.

    However if I absolutely love it, I have to beat it. Earthbound I just had to beat, and still replay it. Chrono Trigger too, although the promise of multiple endings made me want to.

    But recent games, like Bioshock and Halo 3 I beat and intend to go back and play on higher difficulties, but I just don't have the time for it. CoD4 I haven't even gotten past the second or third level, although I don't enjoy it that much even though I realize the obvious quality of the game.

    Xbox360 games also have that interesting meta game of the achievements, it makes me want to replay a good game even more, I guess thats a good thing, but its also compelled me to finish mediocre games, like Ninety-Nine Nights. I don't know where I stand on that.

    And I don't know if anyone ever beat any of the Final Fantasy Tactics games whether they wanted to or not.
    Post edited by nlatimer on
  • And I don't know if anyone ever beat any of the Final Fantasy Tactics games whether they wanted to or not.
    Tactics Advance was fun for about a month's worth of casual play, but my interest approached zero as a function of time played. More and more, I realized that the game had practically zero strategic depth.
  • My basic rule is that if I like the game I'll finish it, if not, nope! If I really like it, I will play through it mulitple times.
  • Nope. As Rym has said in some podcast, we are in a time where there is just too much content and not enough time to consume all the content we're interested in.

    As much as I would like to finish something, my desire to play a new game or do something else is greater than finishing a game that I'm no longer interested in. Point in case, Super Mario Galaxy. I have already beaten the game, but I'm 50 starts short of getting all the stars. I haven't played that game in over a month. As much as I am a Mario fan girl, I'd rather play other games and watch anime than do that. :/
  • I am going to say no, most people just get bored of a game they play. Me? 80% completion rate.
  • And I don't know if anyone ever beat any of the Final Fantasy Tactics games whether they wanted to or not.
    I finished Tactics advance. One of the few RPG games I've finished(/played). But that was in an emulator, and only playing the story matches, no grinding whatsoever. Of course, it took a lot of safe state trail and error to beat the last bosses, but meh. It was nice. Story was decent, if only that girl would've played a bigger part. :( And the little brother. And Rym's right. All random~ Just reload the safe state a few times and you get missed by that "OMFUCKINGG BIG BAD ASS WORLD DESTRUCTION SUPER POWER!" eventually. And of course you crit a lot.

    But I don't play that much games so, and those I play mostly get left unfinished.
  • edited March 2008
    Yeah, I beat FFTA, then got addicted and put in 90 hours.

    Also, despite me saying I don't dedicate enough time to games....there's always one game that comes around every now and then and just gets insane amounts of hours logged by me. I've recently put in like...50 hours into Advance Wars Days of Ruin. I love that game.
    At least tell me you played and beaten the Special World levels in Super Mario World, thats the best part.
    Ehh...kinda. I got to like the 3rd or 4th level, then got stuck, then gave up on them.

    Oh, I've also played the lost levels via Mario Delux on the GBC...didn't beat it, though, due to it being insanely hard.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Recently I lose interest in games before I finish them.
  • edited March 2008
    And I don't know if anyone ever beat any of the Final Fantasy Tactics games whether they wanted to or not.
    What is this supposed to mean? I've played through the original FFT at least a dozen times, and re-played it on the PSP. It's not even that long a game. The main story probably isn't much more than 20 hours even to a first timer.
    Post edited by Dave on
  • I'll also admit that I rarely complete games that I purchase - mainly because as Scrym says constantly there's too much content to consume and too little time. With handheld games there's only so many hours in a commute in which one particular game can hold interest and God knows that there's too many levels of content to consume at home (especially if you're a geek. I now own the PSP FFT remake which I've promised myself that I'd finish but failed; too many other interests such as podcasting, Slayers and books plus job-searching and school consume all of my leisure time.
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