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Should there be a Pikmin sequel?

edited March 2008 in Video Games
I was reading this absolutely hilarious Penny Arcade rant posted a looooooong time ago which spoke about (among other things) the Pikmin series. Many times through the rant there were links that led to pictures of various sculptures of fictional types of pikmin ranging from ridiculously funny to unnervingly weird.

Here ya go

That article got me thinking about whether or not the Pikmin series should have another sequel released sometime in the near future. Now, I ask a question that is laid out like so. In your opinion, should be a Pikmin sequel on either the DS or the Wii? If you think it should be so, what would you add to it to make it cool and what would you change to make it enjoyable to play?

Personally, I would add a few more colors of Pikmin (maybe just two or three to prevent it from becoming a very confusing game) to make the gameplay more interesting and intuitive. Also, I would give purple and white pikmin their own Onions so they won't have to stay in Olimar's ship anymore (that always bothered me for some unknown reason).


  • I have never played Pikmin, but it's pretty easy to decide which console... It's both. A lot of games, especially popular ones, come out on more than one console. Sometimes almost all of them. =3 Of course, gameplay would be quite a bit different, but eh. It's to be expected.

    I have no clue if Pikmin deserves another sequel.
  • I have never played Pikmin, but it's pretty easy to decide which console... It's both. A lot of games, especially popular ones, come out on more than one console. Sometimes almost all of them. =3 Of course, gameplay would be quite a bit different, but eh. It's to be expected.

    I have no clue if Pikmin deserves another sequel.
    If you have a Gamecube, I strongly suggest that you pick up a copy of Pikmin 1 and get a walkthrough of the game on GameFAQS or a similar site. Not to give away too much about the game but, try your best to stand the game's "time limit" and try to get everything you can. If you get Pikmin 2 immediately after you beat the first one, it will feel like a breath of fresh air concerning the way it plays.
  • I don't have a gamecube. I have a wii though... >>;

    I'm not overly wanting to play it. It doesn't look entertaining for long...
  • Look, Pikmin 2 was one of my favorite games on the Gamecube, not to mention having insane multiplayer matches. It puts other console RTS's to shame with its strategic elements and clever charm. I'm not sure what they would add, but a Wii version would make a lot of sense, while I can see a DS one being very cool (especially because LostMagic wasn't as good as it looked).
  • I'm not sure what they would add, but a Wii version would make a lot of sense, while I can see a DS one being very cool (especially because LostMagic wasn't as good as it looked).
    While I think a future sequel would be absolutely awesome on the Wii, I think the touchscreen capabilities would be perfect for rounding up pikmin and telling them to do things as well.
  • NO!
    Why not?
  • NO!
    Then you're just lame.
  • I love the Pikmin series and would love a Pikmin 3, but there'd have to be a really good reason for Olimar (and Louie I guess) to return to the Distant Planet once more.
  • I liked Pikmin, but its novelty was a big part of what made it so great. If Pikmin 2 proved anything, it's that said novelty is wearing thin.
    As such, I guess I'd be opposed to a Pikmin 3 for fear of it ending up like Beautiful Katamari.
  • no pikmin are so bad!!!!!! just like zak and rikki
  • Well I guess it goes without saying that too much of good thing is a bad thing.
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