I was just listening to the Untitled Episode of Geeknights, and there is mention of the "broken band room door." I realized that this phenomenon occurs at my school as well, and was wondering who else has experienced it?
We have one door in the band room (and, to my knowledge, this occurs nowhere else in the school) that cannot lock, and was the cause for a string of thefts at the start of the school year. What are other people's experiences with this? Do/did you have special ways to get into your schools? (Perhaps maybe a show on secret ways of getting past gates/barriers might be in order?)
Though one time the principal saw me in the room and I used the excuse "It was unlocked and I needed a camera." I doubt he bought it, but I couldn't care less I was one of those "Good kids". He couldn't get me in trouble if he wanted to, the theater, news show, and plays would not be lit. Yay exploitation of power.