If you haven't been paying attention to the news there has been a bit of a commotion in Tibet. To sum it all up, a whole lot of people in Tibet have been protesting their Chinese overlords and the overlords decided to crack down since. The result is that riots have occurred in various places in Tibet and clashes between the protesters/rioters and the authorities have left people dead and injured in the streets. Because of this the Dalai Lama has publicly stated that
he will resign if the violence does not stop.Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the Dalai Lama supposed to be a spiritual and religious leader of Buddhists that, according to Buddhist myth, is reborn whenever he dies? If so, how can he resign? Doesn't that go completely against his faith?
I disheartens me to know that he is doing this. I have read a lot of books by him and have learned a lot from the Dalia Lama.
China do stuff with Sudan not help Darfur.
Therefore, all boycott China Olympics.