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Arthur C.Clarke R.I.P.

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
I won't say anything save that the man was a visionary writer, futurist and an all-round nice guy.

Arthur C. Clarke dies - Reuters

Sir Arthur, you will be missed by at least this sci-fi fan. Wherever you are now I hope it's full of stars.


  • That's unfortunate. :(

    You'll be missed, Clarke.
  • 2001 is an amazing movie, and for one of the people who made it what it is, I tip my hat to thee. You shall surely be missed.
  • I get one point on my 2008 death list.
  • SF Signal has links to free written and audio fiction from Clarke.

    It's hard for me to imagine kids growing up without the Big Three of SF: Heinlien, Asimov, and Clarke. All of them are gone now, but I remember when you could still read new, unexpected fiction from each of these giants in a magazine. Even better was finding an unexpected new book.
  • Why are so many of my childhood heroes been dying in the past four years?

    Starting with Dimebag...
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