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They broke what wasn't broke (Vista SP1)

edited March 2008 in Technology
I've had Vista since it was released, one of the benefits of going to a academic institution, and it had worked just fine for me since day one. So I was always trying new things with it and generally fighting the people who bad mouth it with no good reason.

So those of you that follow the Microsoft things will know that Vista Service Pack 1 was released today. Being on the cutting edge (and wanting to individually defrag my HDs again) I downloaded and installed said update. It's large and takes a long time install so I went down for dinner. Came back to my computer loading halfway into Vista and then restarting. Go Microsoft, they broke my Vista trying to fix what wasn't broken.

Where'd I put the Ubuntu liveCD?


  • Vista was already broken, you must have an astounding streak of good luck if you haven't had problems with it.
  • Oh Gutsy, I'd forgotten how much I loved you.
  • They say Microsoft supported HD-DVD to create a destructive format war, so that digital distribution could become a viable alternative. I wonder what destroying Vista will do for them? Perhaps they secretly own all of the Linux?
  • Maybe they think they do with all the fake patents they have.
    I'm super looking forward to Hardy Herron. Finally, sound switching won't suck! I also hope they get some kind of work around for the flash freeze issue.
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