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Satellite internet

edited March 2008 in Technology
Does anyone know of a good cheap, satellite internet provider. I'm talking about $30-$40 per month. I have looked and looked and had no luck. The only ones I have been able to find are either $80 or aren't much faster than the dial-up I have now. Is anyone out there using satellite internet on this forum? Help would be greatly appreciated, since there is no other broadband available in my area.


  • I'm talking about $30-$40 per month.
    We pay more than that for wired Internet.
  • Is there a reason you want to go with Satellite Internet? It is expensive no matter where you go. It might be cheaper to go with cellular Internet.
  • Is there a reason you want to go with Satellite Internet?
    here is no other broadband available in my area.
  • I used satellite internet while in Saudi, since they censor the internets. It seemed faster than my connection at home (3000kbits).
  • The problem with satellite is you get a 2 second lag, plus your normal lag if you had a wired connection. Pings of 2200ms don't work for much other than turn-based games.

    If you aren't a gamer, there's still the matter of cost, but like Steve said, it may be cheaper to go with cellular internet. Most of those are broadband speed, and work wherever you can get a digital signal. They are definitely faster than dial-up.

    Also, before you jump on the satellite train, don't forget about installation costs. My friend was about to get it and found out the satellite installation/renting was $300 when he first signed up.
  • I had been thinking about cellular but I didn't know if it would be much cheaper, since the only unlimited cell phone service is $99 a month.
  • I had been thinking about cellular but I didn't know if it would be much cheaper, since the only unlimited cell phone service is $99 a month.
    That's not bad.
  • edited March 2008
    I had been thinking about cellular but I didn't know if it would be much cheaper, since the only unlimited cell phone service is $99 a month.
    If I could get that here in the UK, I would be all over it. Especially if they throw in a decent phone.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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