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The 2500's Thread

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
Ah, yes. Good times. 2563AD - The year of the good ol' Zombie Apocalypse. You guys remember?


  • WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? You're not supposed to tell these humans we are from the future!

    Sheeeesh, assistants these days are horrible. Well, assistants those days. Whatever. I'll be filling a report to your agency about this Pangloss.
  • edited March 2008
    What? NO!! Please, whatever you do, don't tell the computer! I'm down to my last clone template!
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Dammit...every one taking my nostaglia thread idea. Oh well.

    Anyway, you didn't bring up the battle of Xanglossia. The Allied States had the war over the precious tyrandanium crystals on mars with the Xanglossian Union Republic. That space battle put Star Wars to shame.
  • In the year 2525

    If man is still alive.
    If woman can survive, they may find
  • In the year 2000.....
  • HA! The far, far, far, imminent future of the world can exist without your last clone. The report has been written and shall be send when the next temporal flux passes this time space time dimension. Which should be within the next 82 years if I recall correctly. What? My scarren broke
  • In the year 2000.....
    In the year 2000!
  • The 2560s....

    Do you remember:

    Drinking tax-free applejack down in the tunnels?
    The calico fur chaps the big cat hunters wore?
    Those nasty iodine supplements?
    Rock paper scissors to see who had to go clean the bird shit off the solar set?
  • Rock paper scissors to see who had to go clean the bird shit off the solar set?
    My cousins always made me do that as a kid. I hated it. I would go to the VR room to chill in early 2000's for kicks. They played video games on monitors!? Freaky!
  • Those nasty iodine supplements?
    Pah youngin'! In my day when it was just discovered they were cancer-reducing we ate them and we enjoyed them!
    Rock paper scissors to see who had to go clean the bird shit off the solar set?
    You better be thanking my air filter for that solar set surviving that acidic crap exhaled by those 'birds'. Five-winged one-eyed freaks.
  • edited March 2008
    Holy shit. Seriously guys. These time period threads have gone too far. If there was ever a joke to be made, you guys totally killed it as well as stomped it's body into the ground.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • We're all just slugs plugged into simulators anyway.
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