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Firefox 3.0 betas

edited March 2008 in Technology
Has anyone else been using the 3.0 betas for Firefox?
I've been using 3b3 for a month, and just switched up to 3b4. Honestly, except for a few extensions not working, 3b3 (and 3b4) are pretty much perfect. It's so much faster and so much less bloat than the Firefox 2.0.x series. Firefox feels like those old Budwiser commercials; All the stuff you liked about Firefox, less filling.


  • I've been using them since 3b2. The only real problem I have is that flash can still sometimes make it crash on Linux. Also, there are a bunch of extensions that aren't updated to work with Firefox 3 yet, and I need those extensions.
  • I can't speak to the flash part (I'm on Windows, and it works fine), but except for, the only extension I use alot that isn't updated for 3b4 is Google Reader Notifier.
  • Hrm, installed it just now, beta3. Tab Mix Plus is apparently not yet updated to the betas as is my always used theme (not that important but worth mentioning imho). Basically I won't use Firefox without Tab Mix Plus, does too many awesome stuff.
  • edited March 2008
    Tried several times, got shocked by the not working of so many of my beloved extensions and went back to the current releases.

    But goddammit, the new versions are so much better!
    Post edited by Jain7th on
  • Haven't tried anything since of the first Firefox 3 alpha releases. I think sometime over break I'll get beta 4 and put it as a separate profile and see how it works out.
  • Hrm, installed it just now, beta3. Tab Mix Plus is apparently not yet updated to the betas as is my always used theme (not that important but worth mentioning imho). Basically I won't use Firefox without Tab Mix Plus, does too many awesome stuff.
    There's a dev build that works. I think this is where they are posted:
  • Using Beta 4 right now ... and loving it. There's only one problem for me - the subject lines in Gmail sometimes go over two lines.

    And it uses so little RAM now! It's way faster than 2.x
  • As a side effect to upgrading to Hardy Heron Beta I also got FF3b4. It works nicely, however, some pages are not rendered properly. For example the Dwarf Fortress Wiki. And apparently the Back and Forward button are glued together now. WHY!? Now I can't set up those buttons as I want. Back, Reload/Stop toggle, Home, Forward.
  • WHY!? Now I can't set up those buttons as I want. Back, Reload/Stop toggle, Home, Forward.
    That shouldn't matter because you should be using keyboard shortcuts. I can't remember the last time I clicked any of those buttons.
  • edited March 2008
    I use those buttons constantly. When holding my guitar in one hand its much easier to just use the mouse to browse and go back. Hence, I also find it annoying that they are glued together: "WHY?!". Dito.
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • That shouldn't matter because you should be using keyboard shortcuts. I can't remember the last time I clicked any of those buttons.
    I would if Backspace would go back. However it does not. Alt+Left Arrow is annoying to type. Also, aesthetics, I mean, I even use a Stylish script to combine the Stop and Reload button into one because it looks better and adds some more space. If I used shortcuts all the time I would've removed those buttons, but like Kiwi, I sometimes don't have my left hand on the keyboard for whatever reason. Using the mouse is easier and faster in that case. I also use the home button to quickly get to these forums. :p
  • Uh.
    Backspace does go back, at least in the US-EN version.
  • edited March 2008
    Uh.Backspace does go back, at least in the US-EN version.
    Yes, it does. Also, I control Firefox almost entirely with the keyboard. I will only reach for the mouse to interact with flash, and maybe click on a weird link.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Aye, it's supposed to go back, but it doesn't for some strange reason. It worked under Windows, but not under Ubuntu. Doesn't matter, it's not like I go back a lot, I just throw everything in tabs.
  • edited March 2008
    Aye, it's supposed to go back, but it doesn't for some strange reason. It worked under Windows, but not under Ubuntu. Doesn't matter, it's not like I go back a lot, I just throw everything in tabs.
    Here's how:

    1. Type "about:config" into your address bar
    2. Type "browser.backspace_action" into the Filter
    3. Set the Value to "0"
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • Using Beta 4 also, main problem I've had is rapidly saving images with quite a few tabs open and it doesn't handle quicktime brilliantly, but that's not a huge deal.
  • ......
    edited March 2008
    This might void your warranty!

    Changing these advanced settings can be harmful to the stability, security, and performance of this application. You should only continue if you are sure of what you are doing.

    [checked] Show this warning each time
    [button]I'll be careful, I promise!
    Oh nice addition.
    Any other integer value will simply unmap the backspace key. In Linux builds after 2006-12-07, the default is 2.
    Aha-fricking-ha! *sets it to 0* So why the hell is it mapped to nothing by default? It makes no sense to set a value to not zero by default in a case like this.

    Also, while I find the new Back/Forward drop down menu system nice, I still think it's not that great to glue the buttons together. Or show any disabled buttons at all. If it can't be used, why the hell let is take up space?

    EDIT: I think the next generation GUI's should become more fluid. Only showing the options that can be used, and hide the options that cannot be used.
    Post edited by ... on
  • I just installed 3b4. So far so good.
  • I used Safari for a while because Firefox 2 on the Mac was very bloated. I must say Firefox 3 is much snappier.
  • Yep, I installed 3b4 in a separate profile. So far so good, I guess. I also tend to use the keyboard to control Firefox. I do like using mouse gestures, still, I don't use any of those buttons.
    Home is especially useless to me since I just throw whatever would be my home page onto my bookmarks toolbar. No big deal.
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