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calling all lordyupa12s!!!!!

um i just wanted to know if lordyupa12 was a bbc!!!!!!!!!!! cuz i heard he messes around at ridge road


  • edited March 2008
    I'm... I'm confused.

    And please be mindful of the forum rules.
    1. Be mindful of your grammar and spelling.

    2. Post intelligently

    3. Don't be annoying.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • God. I haven't seen a post that bad on this forum since The Banned One.
  • um sorry guys... this post was by my little brother. i was too distracted playing ffVII. i will not let this happen again
  • I don't even know if I can write like that. I don't think I even have it in me. It killed me to type "Think you got game" for a commercial for a Smash Brothers tournament at my school, so even thinking about writing something that amazingly awful would make me physically vomit.
  • edited March 2008
    um sorry guys... this post was by my little brother. i was too distracted playing ffVII. i will not let this happen again
    That sounds like a total lie. You've pretty much broken every rule and have made no attempt to stop.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Most definitely.
  • Is this guy a joke poster?
  • If he is he's not very good at it.
  • If he is a joke poster he is not funny at all and has only accomplished aggravating me.
  • If he is a joke poster he is not funny at all and has only accomplished aggravating me.
    Then the troll has done his job well. I'm telling you, he wants that reaction.
  • ... The fuck's a BBC?
  • ......
    edited March 2008
    ... The fuck's a BBC?
    British Broadcasting CompanyCorporation if I recall correctly.

    Also, can I feed it? It looks starved.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Actually it means Big Black Cock
  • So what do you say...Court Martial? Eh?
  • Since the Court Martial topic is closed I'll just post it here in the hope that Rym reads it.

    Lordyupa12's profile states in the real name field "Matthew Geoffino".
    Better to errr on the side of 'safety' and ban that account too?
  • Lordyupa12's profilestates in the real name field "Matthew Geoffino".
    Better to errr on the side of 'safety' and ban that account too?
    No. That user has been fine. This Matthew is probably just a stupid friend of his.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2008
    what the hell is going on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2008
    Wait a minute...

    Pay no attention to this person who is (thank god) banned

    it's just some kid i used to know who will stop at nothing to get me in trouble or defame my name on the internet.

    he is an asshole who should die in a fire.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Lordyupa12's profilestates in the real name field "Matthew Geoffino".
    Better to errr on the side of 'safety' and ban that account too?
    No. That user has been fine. This Matthew is probably just a stupid friend of his.

    I AM MATTHEW GEOFFINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2008
    ... The fuck's a BBC?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Where did this come from! This is the first i've heard about it.
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