Three o-words: omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent.
That depends on what kind of god we're talking about. Most deities had none of those characteristics. They were just uber-powerful. So far as I know, only the gods of the big three monotheistic religions have the omni-characteristics, with the Christian god having the additional 'omnibenevolance' trait thrown in.
Three o-words: omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent.
That depends on what kind of god we're talking about. Most deities had none of those characteristics. They were just uber-powerful. So far as I know, only the gods of the big three monotheistic religions have the omni-characteristics, with the Christian god having the additional 'omnibenevolance' trait thrown in.
The question was posed as God, not god. That's why I gave the answer the way I did.
So far as I know, only the gods of the big three monotheistic religions have the omni-characteristics, with the Christian god having the additional 'omnibenevolance' trait thrown in.
Also, once you become God you need to get a proper mailing address. Those 'middle-men' I see preaching on TV look like they take a sizable cut of the money being given to you.
If you are talking about something being a lowercase god, then it is all relative. As far as ants are concerned, rats are gods. As far as rats are concerned, humans are gods.
To be serious about the question the three O's mentioned as well as extreme powers to destroy or heal. It helps to not be invisible and away but among the masses. People will believe what they see and build great monuments and temples to you and worship you like a Queen. Plus immortality.
Three o-words: omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent.
Have you seen those T-shirts the churchy types sometimes wear with the slogan "Our God is an awesome God"? They also have a song by the same title. I've always said, "Well, I would hope that a God would AT LEAST be awesome. That should be the absolute minimum requirement."
king of kings:
Look on my works,
ye mighty,
and despair!
At least that seems to be the Criteria.
I was about to say "only if you are a pedophile", but if you still underage I guess is ok :P