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Barack Obama



  • edited June 2008
    McCain and Obama have too many lobbyists working for them
    Seeing as you were arguing that lobbyists were a good thing in another thread, I find you fucking hilarious.
    Shoot the messenger much?
    No, I believe Mr.MacRoss was pointing out hypocrasy.
    I did not write the article, I merely linked to it for discussion purposes. How is that hypocrisy?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Your comment suggested otherwise. If you said it, you said it and it is interpreted as such.
    Next time, say "Apparently, ..." or something, at least.
  • McCain admits he doesn't know how to use a computer.

    . . . and yet Obama is pretty computer literate. Which one would make better policy? HMMMMMMMMM . . .
  • edited June 2008
    McCain admits he doesn't know how to use a computer.

    . . . and yet Obama is pretty computer literate. Which one would make better policy? HMMMMMMMMM . . .
    The one who knows his limits, admits to them and picks advisers to fill those shortcomings. Knowing how to use a computer is immaterial to creating good policy.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • The one who knows his limits, admits to them and picks advisers to fill those shortcomings. Knowing how to use a computer is immaterial to creating good policy.
    I was chosen to lead, not to read.
  • McCain admits he doesn't know how to use a computer.

    . . . and yet Obama is pretty computer literate. Which one would make better policy? HMMMMMMMMM . . .
    The one who knows his limits, admits to them and picks advisers to fill those shortcomings. Knowing how to use a computer is immaterial to creating good policy.
    True, but a lack of understanding of something so ubiquitous within our culture does raise questions of how in touch McCain is with the people he governs and the issues important to them. If he doesn't understand the issues at hand, how can he know if he is picking a decent advisor on the subject? One needs at least a passing understanding of such issues in order to make any judgement calls or have any ability to understand the advice given by one's own advisors.
  • One needs at least a passing understanding of such issues in order to make any judgement calls or have any ability to understand the advice given by one's own advisors.
    Kind of like when McCain thought that Vladmir Putin was the "President of Germany..."
  • One needs at least a passing understanding of such issues in order to make any judgement calls or have any ability to understand the advice given by one's own advisors.
    Kind of like when McCain thought that Vladmir Putin was the "President of Germany..."
    Or that America was founded as a "Christan nation"...
  • I'd pretty much equate it not being able to drive a car in the 40's.
  • I'd pretty much equate it not being able to drive a car in the 40's.
    Except that new legislation/social issues that effect access to technology and the use of digital information are being decided now and over the next couple of decades. To have a leader that doesn't even know the basics (or what the basics are) is too out of touch to understand his/her people's needs.
  • I can't watch the video from work so I can't comment on the exact circumstance of McCain not knowing how to use a computer.

    I see this more as a veiled "look how old McCain is, he can't even use a computer" attack than anything else.

    I do see your point about the disconnect but the President can not be all things to everyone. If he picks a crappy advisor it will be on the front page of the major newspapers the very next day. The media in the US does a very good job of policing Republican Administrations.

    I would still rather have a President who is willing to admit his shortcomings than one who will never admit to being wrong.

  • I do see your point about the disconnect but the President can not be all things to everyone. If he picks a crappy advisor it will be on the front page of the major newspapers the very next day. The media in the US does a very good job of policing Republican Administrations.
    Except for the last eight years.
  • edited June 2008
    One needs at least a passing understanding of such issues in order to make any judgement calls or have any ability to understand the advice given by one's own advisors.
    Kind of like when McCain thought that Vladmir Putin was the "President of Germany..."
    Or that America was founded as a "Christan nation"...
    . . . or prove that he doesn't know the difference between "Shia" and "Sunni". More than once.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited June 2008
    It isn't so much that McCain is ignorant on a few minor issues, it is that he is ignorant on several MAJOR issues. It isn't a veiled "McCain is too old" attack. It is a "McCain is too out of touch" attack. That is more a product of his lack of diligence to educate himself about things like the Middle East, the economy, technology, U.S. history, and even his own statements (denying that he said things that he was caught on tape saying).

    A separate McCain thread needs to be created, as we are discussing him far too much in the Obama thread.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • One needs at least a passing understanding of such issues in order to make any judgement calls or have any ability to understand the advice given by one's own advisors.
    Kind of like when McCain thought that Vladmir Putin was the "President of Germany..."
    Or that America was founded as a "Christan nation"...
    . . . or prove that he doesn't know the difference between "Shia" and "Sunni". Twice.
    Considering Shia and Sunni sound similar I give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

    How many times have you observed a situation where a parent calls a kid by the wrong time, multiple times in the same conversation? It happens. As long as he does not make those same mistakes when performing his Presidential duties I'm fine with such small mistakes.

    In fact, I chalk it up as the same type of gaffe as when Obama said "57 states" and the "I see dead people" speech on Memorial Day.
  • Considering Shia and Sunni sound similar I give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.
    In what way? They don't have any of the same consonant or vowel sounds.
  • It isn't so much that McCain is ignorant on a few minor issues, it is that he is ignorant on several MAJOR issues. It isn't a veiled "McCain is too old" attack. It is a "McCain is too out of touch" attack. That is more a product of his lack of diligence to educate himself about things like the Middle East, the economy, technology, U.S. history, and even his own statements (denying that he said things that he was caught on tape saying).
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a McCain supporter by any stretch of the imagination. I would have preferred to see Romney get the Republican nomination (solid executive experience in both government and private sector) but he did not win the primary.
  • Considering Shia and Sunni sound similar I give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.
    In what way? They don't have any of the same consonant or vowel sounds.
    They both start with an "S" and they are subsets of the same religion.
  • One starts with "sh" and the other starts with "s." They don't sound the same -- at all -- like you claimed.
  • edited June 2008
    They both start with an "S" and they are subsets of the same religion.
    Yeah, two subsets that hate each others fucking guts and are the cause of pretty much every single issue in the Middle East right now.

    McCain:"We need to drop the bombs on the Sunnis."
    After the bombs have dropped...
    McCain:"Opps! I mean Shia. They just sound so similar that I get them mixed up. LOLZ"
    Post edited by Andrew on

  • Kindergarteners can tell the difference.
  • One starts with "sh" and the other starts with "s." They don't sound the same -- at all -- like you claimed.
    My brothers and I all have very different names yet my parents had, on occasion, gotten our names mixed up when talking to us partly because we are subsets of the same thing (children of theirs). Same thing here.
  • They both start with an "S" and they are subsets of the same religion.
    Yeah, two subsets that hate each others fucking guts and are the cause of pretty much every single issue in the Middle East right now.
    Yeah, like how Episcopalians and Mormons are two subsets of the same religion.
  • My brothers and I all have very different names yet my parents had, on occasion, gotten our names mixed up when talking to us partly because we are subsets of the same thing (children of theirs). Same thing here.
    Yeah, except your parents don't have their finger on the button that launches nuclear bombs.
  • Yeah, like how Episcopalians and Mormons are two subsets of the same religion.
    When was the last time you saw either group use chemical weapons on each other? How about blow themselves up in a crowded market? You know, there is a reason why they call it sectarian violence...
  • edited June 2008
    One starts with "sh" and the other starts with "s." They don't sound the same -- at all -- like you claimed.
    My brothers and I all have very different names yet my parents had, on occasion, gotten our names mixed up when talking to us partly because we are subsets of the same thing (children of theirs). Same thing here.
    No it's not. Can't you see how there's a difference between mistaking a name that might end up with someone not understanding that it's his turn to mow the lawn and mistaking (many times) different political groups that might end up with people dying?
    Yeah, like how Episcopalians and Mormons are two subsets of the same religion.
    When was the last time you saw either group use chemical weapons on each other? How about blow themselves up in a crowded market? You know, there is a reason why they call it sectarian violence...
    It was just an example of two subsets of the same religion that are very different. They're not violent towards each other, but they don't like each other much.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Yes Joe, I understand the implications of falsely naming one group when you mean to name another when it is on the world stage. I also think it was just a slip that would be caught prior to any policy being formed.

    Sometimes people make mistakes when they talk, it happens. As long as someone is there to correct him on such slips what is the big deal? Same thing with the "57 states" comment. Obama probably had something else on his mind. Maybe he had just had a bottle of Heinz 57 in his hand and the number got stuck? It happens.
  • I also think it was just a slip that would be caught prior to any policy being formed.
    Wait a minute, I though military subordinates weren't suppose to question anything?
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