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Barack Obama



  • Shouldn't the person(s) who assaulted her be the target of her lawsuit?
  • edited July 2008
    Shouldn't the person(s) who assaulted her be the target of her lawsuit?
    Yes. But she can file suit against anyone she wants, she just probably won't get anything and have to pay attorney's fees. Basically, it functions as free publicity for a racist designer.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited July 2008
    Is media playing fair in campaign coverage?

    Did the Obama campaign deny a writer a seat on the plane because of something their magazine chose to publish OR was it just a case of too many people applying for too few seats?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Hope you realize Steve, that a reporter flying on the campaign's airplane, is there at the campaign expense. Not to mention there is limited seating, so when it comes to picking who you are going to favor with a free seat on your plane.... I'm going to leave off the people who pissed me off.
  • Is media playing fair in campaign coverage?
    The most this article claims is that the democrats and Obama have received more attention, it presents no clear evidence as to whether the attention has been good, bad, or indifferent. Moreover, there are many that are critical of the fact that the media is giving McCain a free pass on his continual flip-flopping, inappropriate jokes, general ignorance, and the new arrangement of the press in his plane (since you know have to be a reporter or a member of a news organization that casts McCain in the most positive lights, or else you are denied access to him).
  • Is McCain being given a free pass or is he just being ignored because Obama is the more interesting story?

    A conspiracy theorist might suggest that the press (and Democrats) are purposefully ignoring all the mistakes and problems of the McCain candidacy until after the Republican convention to insure he makes it from "presumptive" nominee to actual nominee. Now is not the time to derail the McCain campaign. The time to derail McCain is after he becomes the nominee. This is not the McCain thread so I'll end the McCain talk here.

    When you look at what Cremlian said:
    so when it comes to picking who you are going to favor with a free seat on your plane.... I'm going to leave off the people who pissed me off.
    and compare it to what Mrs. MacRoss said:
    (since you now have to be a reporter or a member of a news organization that casts McCain in the most positive lights, or else you are denied access to him).
    we see an area where the two campaigns may be in agreement.
  • Is McCain being given a free pass or is he just being ignored because Obama is the more interesting story?

    A conspiracy theorist might suggest that the press (and Democrats) are purposefully ignoring all the mistakes and problems of the McCain candidacy until after the Republican convention to insure he makes it from "presumptive" nominee to actual nominee. Now is not the time to derail the McCain campaign. The time to derail McCain is after he becomes the nominee.This is not the McCain thread so I'll end the McCain talk here.
    For this to have any validation, you have to assume that not only is the entire media acting in cahoots with each other, but that they are all acting in such a way that it benefits Barak Obama. If you want to come at us with conspiracy theories and giant leaps of logic with no basis, then there is no way to have an intelligent discussion on the matter.
  • Well further reading into it said they had 50 seats for 200 reporters... I'm not saying it's all random but there is a good chance it was luck of the draw.
  • RATHER: ...with Jesse Jackson, and I realize this is not popular to say with a lot of people, but I have a respect for Jesse Jackson. That he was an important figure in paving the way for an Osama bin Laden to appear.
    Dan Rather joins the "Barack/Osama" club. So, why did no one call him out for it or try to correct him on-air?
  • RATHER: ...with Jesse Jackson, and I realize this is not popular to say with a lot of people, but I have a respect for Jesse Jackson. That he was an important figure in paving the way for an Osama bin Laden to appear.
    Dan Rather joins the "Barack/Osama" club.So, why did no one call him out for it or try to correct him on-air?
    I watched it and is appeared to be a simple misspeak, not an attack. As for no one correcting him, maybe they didn't notice (either because they weren't paying attention, or because they knew what he meant and they didn't want to be rude to a guest). I don't see a big fuss in it unless Rather does it again.
  • Fake interviews?
    Tell me the last time any president or presidential candidate gave a real interview? Not even during the debates are any candidates ever forced to give real straight answers to difficult questions that they weren't able to prepare for in advance. Every time you see them or hear them, it's a commercial that they have manufactured. Nothing is real. It's all fake. This is not news.
  • Fake interviews?
    Tell me the last time any president or presidential candidate gave a real interview? Not even during the debates are any candidates ever forced to give real straight answers to difficult questions that they weren't able to prepare for in advance. Every time you see them or hear them, it's a commercial that they have manufactured. Nothing is real. It's all fake. This is not news.
    I think the point of the article is that the videos and interviews being released are being made without a journalist being present and no one knows how many takes were involved or what ended up on the cutting room floor. It (the military videos) should be treated as a campaign commercial and not a news story.

    Add 8 to 10 year Presidency to the 57 states pile.
  • I think the point of the article is that the videos and interviews being released are being made without a journalist being present and no one knows how many takes were involved or what ended up on the cutting room floor. It (the military videos) should be treated as a campaign commercial and not a news story.
    The article link isn't working, so I didn't read it. It doesn't matter. Even when journalists are present, there aren't any real journalists anymore. If there are real journalists, they are not exposed to anything which isn't already pre-edited for their consumption. We live in a country where you can make your own commercial that looks like news, and local news stations will run it as a news item. The news is a commercial. The vast majority of so-called journalists are simply commercial amplifiers. They take a commercial that is hand-crafted for them, transform it into a commercial for the masses, and re-broadcast it.

    When any candidate actually comes out to do a real interview, that will be news. Fake interviews are the status quo.
  • No walls in Ireland between Protestants and Catholics? I thought Obama was infallible?

    After reading the text of the Berlin speech I have to wonder why it was given. Some say he was "acting presidential" by giving that speech but he is not the President. There is a big difference between "acting presidential" and acting like you are the President.

    Even the German chancellor had this to say about Obama:
    It’s unusual to hold election rallies abroad. No German candidate for high office would even think of using the National Mall (in Washington) or Red Square in Moscow for a rally because it would not be seen as appropriate.
    When the Obama camp was questioned about the decision to have the speech in Germany this exchange occurred:
    “It is not going to be a political speech,” said a senior foreign policy adviser, who spoke to reporters on background. “When the president of the United States goes and gives a speech, it is not a political speech or a political rally.

    “But he is not president of the United States,” a reporter reminded the adviser.
    Me thinks someone has forgotten that we hold an election in November to choose our next President.
  • I'll play the rhetoric game the right-wing is always so fond of for once. ^_~

    Me thinks someone has forgotten that we hold an election in November to choose our next President.
    He's already been more of a president in the past week than Bush was in his entire term.

    That was fun.
  • Me thinks someone has forgotten that we hold an election in November to choose our next President.
    Look, Steve, it's over. Everyone loves Obama and everyone hates McCain. Barring some dire catastrophe, Obama will be the POTUS.
  • Everyone on here loves Obama and everyone on here hates McCain. Barring some dire catastrophe, Obama will always be the one for us.
    Fixed that for you.
  • RymRym
    edited July 2008
    Everyoneon hereloves Obama and everyoneon herehates McCain. Barring some dire catastrophe, Obama willalwaysbe theone for us.
    Fixed that for you.
    Everyone rational prefers Obama and everyone intelligent recognizes McCain's deep failings. Barring some dire catastrophe, Obama will be our next president.

    Fixed it for ya. ^_~
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited July 2008
    No walls in Ireland between Protestants and Catholics?I thought Obama was infallible?

    After reading the text of the Berlin speech I have to wonder why it was given. Some say he was "acting presidential" by giving that speech but he is not the President. There is a big difference between "acting presidential" and acting like you are the President.

    Even the German chancellor had this to say about Obama:

    It’s unusual to hold election rallies abroad. No German candidate for high office would even think of using the National Mall (in Washington) or Red Square in Moscow for a rally because it would not be seen as appropriate.
    When the Obama camp was questioned about the decision to have the speech in Germany this exchange occurred:
    “It is not going to be a political speech,” said a senior foreign policy adviser, who spoke to reporters on background. “When the president of the United States goes and gives a speech, it is not a political speech or a political rally.

    “But he is not president of the United States,” a reporter reminded the adviser.
    Me thinks someone has forgotten that we hold an election in November to choose our next President.

    Give me a break. So Obama goes on a tour of Europe and the Middle east because the republicans say he doesn't have enough foreign policy experience. He meets with leaders of a bunch of countries and decides to give a speech in Berlin. He never mentions George bush or the election in anyway and insists this is not a presidential speech and draws a extremely large crowd and your going to then turn around and diss him. Hi HMTKsteve, this was what the US was supposed to be about, having leadership that inspires not just the U.S. but other free countries around the world to be better (and to fold to our interests ^_^). Republicans dared Obama to take a trip around the world and he did. Now the republicans are pissed because he is getting all the attention... McCain stopped yesterday at a German restaurant.... While Obama was giving a inspiration speech to 200,000+ people. Today Obama is going to be in France, to talk to the leaders of that country..... McCain will be talking to Lance Armstrong.... Do you see a difference here?
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Everyoneon hereloves Obama and everyoneon herehates McCain. Barring some dire catastrophe, Obama willalwaysbe theone for us.
    Fixed that for you.
    Everyonerationalprefers Obama and everyoneintelligentrecognizes McCain's deep failings. Barring some dire catastrophe, Obama will be our next president.

    Fixed it for ya. ^_~
    No, not quite. Saying that anyone who does not support Obama is somehow irrational is a stretch. I'll agree with you on McCain's deep failings. To suggest only a dire catastrophe can stop the election of Obama puts you in the camp of the Obama fanatics.

    I know when I am outnumbered. I also know that if I post something negative about Obama I am attacked and my words are ignored. Did no one see the article I linked to about fences in Ireland? Not one single comment about that at all. Instead that point is ignored by the "see no evil" Obama supporters on here.

    Obama could hit someone with his car and the Obama fanatics on here would defend him by saying the guy was jaywalking and deserved to be hit. I understand that. I accept that. I don't like it but I guess Obama supporters are insecure and feel that any attack on Obama is an attack on them.
  • Look at the lead in these poll numbers.You didn't fix anything.
    I also make the point that many of the polls that are conducted are only done via landline. Much of our generation as a whole only have cell phones, as it is a far more practical option cost-wise. You're likely not even seeing a potentially large chunk of the 20-30s represented, and we know how many article in the news have been regarding the overwhelming following that Obama has had in the younger population.
  • Give me a break. So Obama goes on a tour of Europe and the Middle east because the republicans say he doesn't have enough foreign policy experience. He meets with leaders of a bunch of countries and decides to give a speech in Berlin.
    Meeting with foreign leaders is all well in good but why the speech? His first pick was to speak at the Brandenburg Gate, which was rejected. He said he was there as a citizen n to give that speech. How many US citizens would be allowed to do that?
    Republicans dared Obama to take a trip around the world and he did. Now the republicans are pissed because he is getting all the attention...
    Obama has been getting all the attention for a while now. This trip abroad only proves the media love fest charges to be true.
    McCain stopped yesterday at a German restaurant.... While Obama was giving a inspiration speech to 200,000+ people. Today Obama is going to be in France, to talk to the leaders of that country..... McCain will be talking to Lance Armstrong.... Do you see a difference here?
    Yes, I see the difference, do you?
  • Meeting with foreign leaders is all well in good but why the speech? His first pick was to speak at the Brandenburg Gate, which was rejected. He said he was there as a citizen n to give that speech. How many US citizens would be allowed to do that?
    I think you are also forgetting that he's a US Senator...
  • Did no one see the article I linked to about fences in Ireland? Not one single comment about that at all. Instead that point is ignored by the "see no evil" Obama supporters on here.
    It's not that people "see no evil". It's that your "point" is very unclear. What are you talking about?
    McCain stopped yesterday at a German restaurant.... While Obama was giving a inspiration speech to 200,000+ people. Today Obama is going to be in France, to talk to the leaders of that country..... McCain will be talking to Lance Armstrong.... Do you see a difference here?
    Yes, I see the difference, do you?
    For instance, what is that supposed to mean?
  • Meeting with foreign leaders is all well in good but why the speech? His first pick was to speak at the Brandenburg Gate, which was rejected. He said he was there as a citizen n to give that speech. How many US citizens would be allowed to do that?
    I think you are also forgetting that he's a US Senator...
    So, what other US Senators have requested to hold a speech at the Brandenburg Gate? What other US Senators have the anchors of the major news networks hanging off of their every word?

  • What other US Senators have the anchors of the major news networks hanging off of their every word?
    What other US senator is as articulate and well-spoken as Senator Obama? Maybe if McCain's speeches weren't rambling and semi-coherent, people would hang on his words as well.
  • edited July 2008
    Meeting with foreign leaders is all well in good but why the speech? His first pick was to speak at the Brandenburg Gate, which was rejected. He said he was there as a citizen n to give that speech. How many US citizens would be allowed to do that?
    I think you are also forgetting that he's a US Senator...
    ...who is running for President.

    Steve, whether you like to believe it or not, Obama IS well liked, at least considering that racism is not completely dead. The media loves him because correct or incorrect, he IS news. McCain represents the old guard, and many but not all, of his practices are in line with W. W.'s not liked at all right now. As admirable as Lance Armstrong is, he does not conquer an entire nation of people. We are NOT well liked in this world, and it is almost exclusively due to President Bush.

    I grew up in a red state. My parents are super conservatives. I even listened to Rush Limbaugh during the Clinton years. Neither has even worked with minorities of any kind, but I have. Neither are super-internet friendly and do not know where to go to refute the crap that has been e-mailed to them by their conservative friends. I can try to explain and show them things until I am blue in the face to no avail. There is this latent racism there that keeps them from considering him as a valid candidate.

    Steve, we take special interest in trying to help you understand this because you are in our respective generations and should know better. Don't listen to the rhetoric. Do your homework by looking at conservative and liberal sites alike. Look up concepts on wikipedia. Consider the possibility that you are not always right, that there may be a better idea out there. I know you sometimes believe you are playing devil's advocate. There are enough "devils" out there masquerading as "journalists". We do not need any more. Linking to articles and asking valid questions are one thing. But you cross this line, over and over again. Be a grown up.

    Read the Opinion Poll Wiki. Those polls are essentially crap. Most people don't respond to them, so you end up with a larger amount of retirees with nothing else to do answering in large number.
    Post edited by Your Mom on
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