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Barack Obama



  • Back to the 'never used twitter' comment.

    Who is this then?


    a. He is using twitter directly.
    b. He is using twitter via proxy.
    c. Someone is pretending to be him on twitter.
  • edited November 2009
    Okay, I'll take that into account, Steve. His bow definitely isn't perfect, but handshake-bow isn't a taboo. I believe the article writer took issue with the depth of the bow in relation to the emperor and the posture + handshake. However, in general, the reaction on the Japanese interwebs is YAY! OBAMA BOWED! so I'm assuming nobody is too mortified. I guess people are used to gaijin screwing up a little, or maybe the people I talk to are just overly forgiving when it comes to Obama. They also like that his name kind of sounds Japanese. It means Big Beach, and there are a few towns named this.

    As for the twitter feed, I'm guessing he has staff that do that, like the policy people who write the the emails I get? Not everything media labeled "Obama" is actually done by him directly. Not knowing how to use Twitter is not something to be proud of, but then again, McCain didn't even know how to use a computer and bragged about it. I seriously don't know if he tweets secretly, Steve. If he does, shame that he lied about it, I guess?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited November 2009
    blind followers
    Like I said earlier Steve, I'd think you were an overreaching idiot even if it were Bush's trivial misadventures you were pointing out. That goes for most subjects you've chosen. And I hated Bush.
    If I'm such an idiot and you are so smart why do you waste your time answering my posts?
    God-damned if it isn't hella funny to read. :)
    Post edited by loltsundere on
  • I'll also admit my mistake on the handshake-bow. I did take the time to read up on the custom (including a very bizarre flash video for business folks on how to conduct themselves when doing business in Japan that included not just bows but also where to stand and other etiquette issues.)
  • blind followers
    Like I said earlier Steve, I'd think you were an overreaching idiot even if it were Bush's trivial misadventures you were pointing out. That goes for most subjects you've chosen. And I hated Bush.
    So, If I posted conspiracy theories about Bush declaring martial law or refusing to leave office after the 2008 election you would consider me to be an idiot?
  • edited November 2009
    Yes, I most definitely would. I hated Bush so much and I laughed at those people. The thing is, I didn't hate him because of his mispronounced words and faux folksy mixing metaphors, I hated him for the big stuff. Most liberals only laughed at him on those minor things because they already didn't like him for going to war in Iraq etc. and they were characteristics that stood out and could easily be caricatured.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • People are still talking about this? WTF?
    It was just a greeting. It is like worrying if he said " It is a pleasure to meet you." or "It is lovely to meet you." No one really cares because it doesn't matter at all.
  • Hell yes I would laugh my ass off at you for that crazy bullshit. It's not the political leaning that is stupid, but the amount of crazy bullshit. The fact that you disagree with most people here identifying as liberal does not automatically classify everything we say as crazy bullshit, nor does it make you any more legitimate.
  • Thanks to that bow, we are now awash in cheap IPods. Well worth it.
    To be fair, the Sony PS3 did just get a pretty big price drop. Coincidence? I think not.
  • edited November 2009
    This is why we don't get good people running for political office. Anyone who wants to run for office has to understand that, if they win, idiots like Steve will criticize even the most trivial thing they do.
    I won't claim to be a good person, but if I could, I'd run for president. And If by some miracle I won, and I had people carrying on like people have been at Obama, I'd just turn and say "Hey there. You might be right, you might be wrong. But I'm the goddamn president, and I don't recall seeing your name on the ticket. When you get the balls to even run for president, let alone manage to convince people to vote for you, then by all means, I won't say a word against you. But how about you quit it with your arm-chair politics bullshit when seriously - let me tell you from experience - you don't have a goddamned clue what this job actually involves day to day, and apply your intellect to help me figure out how to fix the fucking mess that the last few guys have left, huh?"

    And this is why I will never be the leader of a country.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • You'd get my vote. You'd get Kate's and Nuri's as well if you did a lascivious little dance for them.

    Steve would never vote for you because he would get stuck on the "natural born citizen" bullshit.
  • edited November 2009
    You'd get my vote.
    First Message from the new president - "Hey, ever smoked a pipe on the white house lawn? No? Do you want to?"
    You'd get Kate's and Nuri's as well if you did a lascivious little dance for them.
    Politicians have done far worse things to get themselves elected.
    Steve would never vote for you because he would get stuck on the "natural born citizen" bullshit.
    Ah, I would attempt to convince him, but if I didn't that's fair play, I wouldn't hold it against him.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • You'd get my vote. You'd get Kate's and Nuri's as well if you did a lascivious little dance for them.
    Hey, cross me off of that list. Churba is a great lookin' dude, but I only have eyes for a certain Cajun man...
  • Hey, cross me off of that list. Churba is a great lookin' dude, but I only have eyes for a certain Cajun man...
    I shall teach him some of my famous recipes.
  • edited November 2009
    Hey, cross me off of that list. Churba is a great lookin' dude, but I only have eyes for a certain Cajun man...
    I shall teach him some of my famous recipes.
    Obama should just set up a big cauldron on the lawn and start cooking a huge mess of gumbo. Republicans and haters would get the special gumbo.
    You'd get my vote. You'd get Kate's and Nuri's as well if you did a lascivious little dance for them.
    Hey, cross me off of that list. Churba is a great lookin' dude, but I only have eyes for a certain Cajun man...
    I done seed you flirtin' wi' dat limey boy, cher. Hush you mouf. You know you ain't doin' me right.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • The kind where whole chicken thighs and legs are thrown in with the chopped andouille sausage and okra....
    Damnit, I miss that, and now I'm hungry.
  • Here is a challenge to the Obama zealots (you know who you are). Just list three substantive issues where you disagree with Obama.

    That's it. No tricks. No games. No nothing.
  • edited November 2009
    Hey now, I resent the assertion that my vote could be bought for something as trivial as sexual content alone. He'd need to shake his ass AND show me his wits. I want a brain and a body; is that so wrong?
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited November 2009
    Here is a challenge to the Obama zealots (you know who you are). Just list three substantive issues where you disagree with Obama.

    That's it. No tricks. No games. No nothing.
    I imagine that you feel very clever. You think that no matter how somebody answers, you'll have won.

    Any true zealot won't have any problems with Obama-- and then you can feel more justified in calling them a fool, liar, etc.

    However, if any of Obama's big fans come forward and admit they dislike xyz about Obama, you'll pounce on it. You'll outline why all 3 of those things are such a big problem, and question the 'zealot' as to why they can support such a flawed leader.

    No games, no tricks, huh?
    Post edited by Nillia on
  • edited November 2009
    Here is a challenge to the Obama zealots (you know who you are). Just list three substantive issues where you disagree with Obama.

    That's it. No tricks. No games. No nothing.
    Why would anyone want to do that? Why don't you name three things you agree with him about?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Obama zealots (you know who you are)
    LOL WUT.

    I support the leader of my country and don't think that he's unfit to be president because he can't Tweet - I am now a zealot.

    Back off on the dramatic language and maybe we can have some serious discussion, perhaps?
  • edited November 2009
    Now, it was a long time ago, but . . .

    Wasn't there a certain group of people a few years ago that said any criticism of the Commander-in-Chief during wartime was treason? Didn't someone posting in this very thread say that we shouldn't criticize GWB because "GWB = Commander-in-Chief"?

    Oh yeah, that was you.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Being in Australia, I don't really pay enough attention to American politics, and I certainly don't qualify as a "zealot", but I can definitely say that the issue of Intellectual Property is one where I disagree with Obama.
  • Now, it was a long time ago, but . . .

    Wasn't there a certain group of people a few years ago that said any criticism of the Commander-in-Chief during wartime was treason? Didn't someone posting in this very thread say that we shouldn't criticize GWB because "GWB = Commander-in-Chief"?
    And guess what - I predicted that that exact same sentiment would go the way of Henry Hudson's ghost as soon as a democratic president was elected in.
  • edited November 2009
    Here is a challenge to the Obama zealots (you know who you are). Just list three substantive issues where you disagree with Obama.

    That's it. No tricks. No games. No nothing.
    1. Obama thinks that pie is not an every-day food. I disagree.
    2. PIE!
    3. ...

    for serious though:

    1. I disagree that we need to increase legal immigration. I understand their reasoning on this one, but I disagree with their motives. I am not against immigration as a whole, but particularly now that the economy has gone to shit, I think we need to get the people who are already here on their feet.

    2. Social Security. There are a lot of reforms on their agenda dealing with disclosure and transparency, but not so much to account for the rising number of people that are going to be drawing from the fund and the waning fund itself. The government spent the surplus intake from SS in other places, and now the people who were giving them that surplus are looking to get it back. I want to see a realistic plan on how to fix this problem, since at the moment I am betting on never seeing a single dollar of my SS taxes.

    3. I want more than Math and Science. They need a significant improvement in English as well...and it's great to teach kids to read and write, but they won't have anything to read and write about if we cut all the arts programs and focus solely on math and science. Yes, I agree that we need better math and science programs in our schools, but the lack of arts in the agenda is disturbing. Arts programs are almost always the first thing cut, followed by physical education. These things are very important to a child's education and well-being.

    Not that I consider myself a zealot...but my dad does, so I figured I'd post here just to prove him wrong, because I have Daddy issues. I support most of the current administration's professed goals. Their implementation of said goals...maybe not so much.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Oh yeah, that was you.
    Don't say that you predicted something. People here will cut your head off.
  • Oh yeah, that was you.
    Don't say that you predicted something. People here will cut your head off.
    That's a fairly accurate prediction. We'll let that one slide.
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