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High School Tech Survey

edited April 2008 in Everything Else
While checking tech news in my Microsoft class at school we came across this article on Ars Technica. They gave some survey stats that aren't explained very well. So our class decided we'll make a survey for our school and try to get it passed out to the Homerooms. Does anyone have any question suggestions?


  • edited April 2008
    Hmm...I could probably give you a few questions, but doubtfully enough for a full survey:

    Do you use Linux?
    Do you even know what Linux is?
    Bonus points: list some distros

    Do you use Firefox?
    If so, do you have any extensions for it?
    Can you name 3 browsers other than Firefox, Safari, and IE?

    Name some programming languages (1 point per language named)
    Do you know how to program in at least 1 language?
    Bonus points if they know 2+

    annnd...I gotta go right now. I'll either make a new post or edit this one later, cause I still have a lot of ideas.
    Post edited by Dkong on
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