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Tentative Avatar Interview

edited April 2008 in Everything Else
So, if we were to, by chance, have an interview with Bryan Konietzko and/or Mike DiMartino (the creators of Avatar), what questions would you guys want us to ask?

Just curious.


  • - How did you come up with the idea of Avatar?
    - Can you tell us something about fighting styles used and why those?

    Ehm... no further ideas actually.
  • edited April 2008
    I'd want to ask about their journey as animators. How did they get to this point? (For the record, they are basically living my dream. That credit "created by" is sooo great.)

    Also, how they feel about the show's acceptance into the American anime fan community and the shipping that goes on and stuff.

    I want to know about how they pitched the show to Nick. How did they sell this show when it is rather different from most of the other offerings on the Network?

    Their favorite movies, anime, and what they were inspired by. What movie did they watch that made them want to pursue this career?

    Their favorite characters and favorite bending style. (also ask about their kung fu training)

    What changes would they like to see in the American animation industry and the perception of American animated film (plot changes, et. al)

    and lots more!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited April 2008
    I'd ask questions about the tentative Avatar movie:

    Where did the idea to make the movie came from"

    Why live-action?

    And so on.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • edited April 2008
    I would ask them why the current season has been on hiatus for so long. Was there a problem in production, writer strike related?

    What happens after the Avatar brings balance back (or not). Will the story continue or will it come to a close?

    Any plans for an RPG set in the Avatar world?

    so, will you two actually watch the show before doing the interview?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Are there any details about the characters that wasn't shown on the show?
  • edited April 2008
    so, will you two actually watch the show before doing the interview?
    Rym has seen it all.
    I have seen it all.
    Scott needs to watch it or else.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited April 2008
    Avatar is a great show, especially the voice acting.

    1. How hard was it getting the quality of the animation and voice acting to the height it currently is when no other American made animation does this?

    2. Have you always wanted to create a show like this or was the sudden popularity of Japanese animation in a lot of the western world your window of opportunity?

    3. Was there a certain voice actor you wanted to have on your show that was eventually replaced by the current cast? Why did they not make it till the end, bar the fact you just found someone better.

    4. Was there anything that you wanted the show to have that had to be changed or taken out and what difference do you think it would have made to the show?

    5. How did you manage to stick together through film school, Family Guy, King of the Hill all the way up to creating Avatar: The last Airbender? (I'm not sure if they did work on family guy or king of the hill together, but I assume so, moar research required)

    6. What came first... the avatar or the bending?

    That's all I can think of.
    Post edited by Norvu on
  • edited April 2008
    Rym has seen it all. 5
    Scott needs to watch it or else. 7
    I have seen it all. 5
    I think you're still thinking in haikus ^_^
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Did either of you study any martial arts? (I know that the bending styles were based off of some different martial arts, but I want to know if they actually studied any of them.)
  • I believe one of them is very well versed in shaolin kung fu
  • Why did you guys give the show a more traditional Japanese art style?

    Was the elemental bending really just a clever way to have kung fu fights without upsetting the censors?

    Did Nick ever make you guys change something in the show?
  • I'm curious about their plans for the future, I know there have been rumors saying there will be more Avatar after season 3, but that it wouldn't be I guess relating to Aang. But I'm also curious if they have plans to do anything non Avatar.
  • edited April 2008
    If Iroh fought M. Bison, who would win?
    I would ask them why the current season has been on hiatus for so long. Was there a problem in production, writer strike related?
    Did Nick ever make you guys change something in the show?
    1. How hard was it getting the quality of the animation and voice acting to the height it currently is when no other American made animation does this?
    The rest of my questions coincide with the above.
    Post edited by Xefas on
  • I put all the questions I would ask into a list

    The Past:
    • What made you decide to pursue this career? Was there any one film or person you were particularly inspired by?
    • Every artist has to begin somewhere. Can you tell us some of the ideas and characters you would think up as a child?
    • Being the creator of their own series is a dream that many young animators aspire to. How did you get from being one of those kids to where you are now? Tell us about the journey.
    • How did you two meet and end up working together?

    The Creation of Avatar:
    • When and how did you first come up with the idea of Avatar, and how did that idea and the characters evolve over time?
    • What came first... the idea of the avatar or the idea of the bending?
    • I've heard that you study kung fu. Were there any times that your own personal experience in training at a martial art influenced the show?
    • You air on Nick. Since Avatar is a bit of a departure from their usual programming, can you talk a little about what it was like pitching the show to the Network?
    • Was there anything that you wanted the show to have that had to be changed or taken out, and what difference do you think it would have made to the show?

    The Reaction to Avatar:
    • What changes would they like to see in the American animation industry and the American perception of animated film?
    • What do you think about the show's acceptance into the American anime fan community?
    • What is the most gratifying comment you have ever gotten about the show?
    • We've been hearing talk for some time now of an Avatar live action film directed by M. Night Shamalan. Can you talk about some of your experiences regarding the adaptation and what it's like to experience another person's interpretation of your ideas?

    • Do you have favorite character type or favorite plot element? Say, when reading a book or watching a movie, what kind of theme is guaranteed to really grab you?
    • Out of curiosity can you tell us some of your favorite anime?
    • If you were to create another show starting tomorrow, what kind of show would it be? How would it be different than avatar?
    • Are there any ideas you have on the back burner that you are particularly fond of? Any concept that you dwelt on lately and thought, "That would be cool?"
  • How did you get to where you are in your career?
    What was your first job?
    What skills make a good "Creator" of animation?
    What other shows have you worked on?
    What were your biggest influences for the character designs?
    Can you give me a job?
  • edited April 2008
    Did either of you study any martial arts? (I know that the bending styles were based off of some different martial arts, but I want to know if they actually studied any of them.)
    I believe they hired someone. They interviewed the guy in the season 2 DVD.

    I would ask:
    - How do you feel about Nickelodeon's erratic scheduling of Season 3?
    - What was the writing process of the show?
    - Why did you decide to let it be adapted into a film?
    - Why did you choose the film to be live action? Or was it your choice? If not, what do you think of the choice?
    - Why M. Night Shyamalan?
    - When Aang dies, will there be any airbenders left? Will Aang's children be airbenders or will new airbenders just start being born?

    If you guys manage to get them on .... oh mans, that would be so fucking awesome.
    Post edited by kumarhk on

  • Rym has seen it all.
    I have seen it all.
    Scott needs to watch it or else.
    There is obviously something wrong with him if he hasn't seen it yet, because goddamn is that a good show. I don't know why anyone wouldn't wanna see it.
  • What are the proposed airdates for the the four part Finale of season 3, and also when does season 4 start?
  • Question about the end of Season 2:

    Was your intent with the finale of Season 2 to end it in a similar way to the ending of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back? With basically everything going wrong and the heroes forced to flee after being soundly defeated? (There are other examples as to the similarities, but they aren't really necessary to bring up here.)
  • permalinkquoteblock userblock comment
    What are the proposed airdates for the the four part Finale of season 3, and also when does season 4 start?
    Is there going to be a Season 4? I thought by season 3, Aang would've defeated Fire Lord Ozai? But then again, I'm waiting for the Season 3 DVDs to come out. Have they come out already? If so, then I am immediately Netflixing them.
  • edited April 2008
    Ignore this. Whoops.
    Post edited by Norvu on
  • edited April 2008

    Rym has seen it all.
    I have seen it all.
    Scott needs to watch it or else.
    There is obviously something wrong with him if he hasn't seen it yet, because goddamn is that a good show. I don't know why anyonewouldn'twanna see it.
    I think, it is for the same reason he does not watch other things. He just doesn't have time.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • I think, it is for the same reason he does not watch other things. He just doesn't have time.
    Pffft, not a valid excuse. If Rym was able to find time, Scott should too.
  • I think, it is for the same reason he does not watch other things. He just doesn't have time.
    Rym apparently has time to watch it on the train, so I don't think it is entirely unreasonable to do the same. But that's entirely up to Scott, all I can say is that he's missing out on a great and high-quality show.
  • Pffft, not a valid excuse. If Rym was able to find time, Scott should too.
    Don't forget that Scott was all meh about it when Rym mentioned it in passing in some episode whose name escapes me at the moment.
  • edited April 2008
    Is there going to be a Season 4? I thought by season 3, Aang would've defeated Fire Lord Ozai? But then again, I'm waiting for the Season 3 DVDs to come out. Have they come out already? If so, then I am immediately Netflixing them.
    Well going by the naming conventions of each Season (or Book as they are called), I'm pretty sure there's going to be a Book 4: Air. But of course that's just speculation.

    Season 3 won't be fully out until May end. The latest episode is Chapter 13: The Firebending Masters. I have no idea when 14 through to 17 are coming; I just know that in May the 4-part finale is out.

    EDIT: One more question please :) Are the events of the game "Avatar Escape from the Spirit World" canon for the storyline?
    Post edited by particleboy on
  • Is there going to be a Season 4? I thought by season 3, Aang would've defeated Fire Lord Ozai? But then again, I'm waiting for the Season 3 DVDs to come out. Have they come out already? If so, then I am immediately Netflixing them.
    Well going by the naming conventions of each Season (or Book as they are called), I'm pretty sure there's going to be a Book 4: Air. But of course that's just speculation.

    Season 3 won't be fully out until May end. The latest episode is Chapter 13: The Firebending Masters. I have no idea when 14 through to 17 are coming; I just know that in May the 4-part finale is out.

    EDIT: One more question please :) Are the events of the game "Avatar Escape from the Spirit World" canon for the storyline?
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure that the Spirit World game is canon to the storyline as it shows just what Aang goes through when he is knocked out before going waking up on the stolen Firebender ship.
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