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No Doubt

edited April 2008 in Everything Else
Anyone else here a fan of that band. Their hiatus is over and have been making a new album for a while now. Unfortunately I have to wait till 09 for a tour.

I've been a fan of them since I was 13 and bought all their albums to date. I love all they're songs except for one or two. I like their old ska sound they had going on the self titled first album and Beacon Street. Tragic Kingdom had a different yet still ska sound. I love Return of Saturn and Rock Steady sound which ranges from rock like to dancehall to new waveish to 80ish, but I like their old stuff best. The b sides and rarities are awesome!

Yeah, I'm a ND geek. I bought the limited edition No Doubt box set the day it dropped, I got tour DVD's, had a poster till it got ruined by an enemy, and Tony Kanal the bassist is hot! Plus I was way into Gwen's style. (insert fangirling noises here)

Yeah....I know weird. I was just wondering if anyone else here like them.


  • I never really listened to much of their stuff besides what was on the radio/TV but they were not unpleasant to the ears. It is wierd hearing them, however, after hearing my ex's Gwen Stefani solo album every other day for a year or so.
  • I hate No Doubt. My ears are thankful for that hate. *gives crazy Viga a cookie*
  • No Doubt are pretty awesome, Gwen Steffani, pretty poor.
  • edited April 2008
    I have her solo albums but they're not as good as her No Doubt stuff. I do like a few songs from each but mostly it's not the same. I do love her fashion line though! ^_^
    *gives crazy Viga a cookie*
    COOOOKIEEEEE!!!!!! *Om nom nom nom nom*
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I liked them 13 years ago.
  • I liked them 13 years ago.
    Fuck, we're old.
  • I liked them 13 years ago.
    Fuck, we're old.
    Welcome to my world. You're getting older all the time. One day you might be as old as me, although I doubt it.

    That's the great thing about kids bragging about their youth. They inevitably lose it, and then they're old like the rest of us.
  • Age is only a state of mind. Until it starts being biological.
  • I've been following her on and off over the years. I think her harajuku thing is kinda weird...
  • I liked them before Steffani got all weird and started her solo thing a decade or so ago. If their new stuff sounds like their older stuff, I'll probably listen to it.
  • I quite enjoy Gwen Stefani and, of course, No Doubt. However, this is only because my first girlfriend adored her and we listened to it a lot together while cuddling and chatting.

    If it wasn't for this, I probably wouldn't own any of her/the band's CDs now. Gwen is far too girly girly for me, and I'd only listen to a few of her songs here and there.
  • Tour this summer. I am going no matter what. I have the cash and can travel.

    Unfortunately the new album isn't out until 2010. It's kinda weird to have a tour before an album.
  • I picked up a used copy of Tragic Kingdom, and, with the exception of a couple of songs, hated it. I never got rid of it though, and after some time I thought I'd give it another try. I still hated it, but I hated it a little less than I did the first time. Every time I listened to it, I hated it less, until I found that I actually rather liked it. I've been a fan ever since.

    I didn't really like Gwen Stefani's solo album. I really liked two of the singles, and the third wasn't unbearable, but the album as a whole is really inferior to a No Doubt album.
  • That's the great thing about kids bragging about their youth. They inevitably lose it, and then they're old like the rest of us.
    What's even more fun is the cyclical nature of that. When we were young, we thought were were invincible and wouldn't grow old. Now we get to watch the realization of mortality happen to the younger generations. ;)

    On-topic: I liked No Doubt for a while back in 94-96, but like all top 40 performers they got overplayed and I got sick of them. Gwen's singles have been ok, but they haven't been enough to warrant me purchasing the albums. If ND has gone back to their original sound then they might be worth checking out again. It's like one of my buddies said, "When you're in a band, things are strange. You might hit it big on your first album, then the second album you change it up a little but still sound a lot like the first one. On the third album you go totally out in a different direction because you found Ganesha or something and do a shitload of tracks featuring the Armenian Butt-Trumpet as the main instrument. Then you realize you just alienated the hell out of your original fan-base, end up in rehab or trying to do a solo project, and the next album you do is either an Unplugged of your original hits or a return to your old sound."
  • Meh... could take or leave it.
  • Tour this summer. I am going no matter what. I have the cash and can travel. Unfortunately the new album isn't out until 2010. It's kinda weird to have a tour before an album.
    No Doubt is giving free download of their entire anthology to people who purchase tickets ($80-$116) to their upcoming concerts. Seems pretty cool, however you can pretty much get stuff via the pirate bays. I wonder if it will be DRM free.
  • $80 to see No Doubt? I can't think of very many artists for whom I'd pay $80. Maybe, maybe Tom Waits or Nick Cave.
  • I'm probably paying 210 dollars to see Billy Joel and Elton John like really close... I only excuse this because I want to see them once before they die :-p
  • $80 to see No Doubt? I can't think of very many artists for whom I'd pay $80. Maybe,maybeTom Waits or Nick Cave.
    I do agree. Most prices of concerts these days are retarded, however some people pay those prices. I think it's a somewhat decent incentive.
  • I would pay $80 bucks to see certain virtuoso performances, not just an average pop band.
  • It's more than just ND though. Paramore and The sounds are playing too. I'm not into Paramore and I just got into the Sounds recently, but as a huge No Doubt fan who always wanted to see them I must!

    I'm thinking of staying at a nearby hotel just so it would be easier to go to the nearest venue. Why can't any popular band play within the city and not bumfuck VA.
  • I have yet to pay more than $25 for a concert.

    Liking lesser-known bands, fuck yeah.
  • I'm probably paying 210 dollars to see Billy Joel and Elton John like really close... I only excuse this because I want to see them once before they die :-p
    I paid $80 combined for two tickets to that show. I want to be in the back so nobody can see me screaming the lyrics to Rocket Man.
  • edited March 2009
    I'm probably paying 210 dollars to see Billy Joel and Elton John like really close... I only excuse this because I want to see them once before they die :-p
    I paid $80 combined for two tickets to that show. I want to be in the back so nobody can see me screaming the lyrics to Rocket Man.
    Wrong. You want to be up front so you can blend in screaming. If you are screaming in the back, all the people who were dragged along by their friends will be staring at you.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I've never understood why people go to concerts to scream/sing along with the performer. Why spend money and not be able to hear the performance? Dance, applaud, etc. But making so much sound that you can't hear the performer seems like a waste.
  • I've never understood why people go to concerts to scream/sing along with the performer. Why spend money and not be able to hear the performance? Dance, applaud, etc. But making so much sound that you can't hear the performer seems like a waste.
    Most of the time I can't even hear myself let alone the person next to me singing when I'm at concerts. However, I think it's because people want to feel more engaged with the performer.

    At the same time, do you disagree when the performer asks for the audience to sing along or sing a certain part of the song?
  • RymRym
    edited March 2009
    But making so much sound that you can't hear the performer seems like a waste.
    Yes. You don't hear people yelling along with The Magic Flute. There was, however, some guy behind me at Partick Stewart's Macbeth reciting the "Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow" soliloquy that everyone in the world seems to have memorized for some reason along with him. It was extremely irritating.

    Of course, that show was $250 a seat: I'll pay quite a bit for a worthwhile performance art experience. If people in the back had started making noise, people may have died.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • But making so much sound that you can't hear the performer seems like a waste.
    Yes. You don't hear people yelling along withThe Magic Flute. There was, however, some guy behind me at Partick Stewart'sMacbethreciting the "Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow" soliloquy that everyone in the world seems to have memorized for some reason along with him. It was extremely irritating.

    Of course, that show was $250 a seat: I'll pay quite a bit for a worthwhile performance art experience. If people in the back had started making noise, people may have died.
    Ack!!! I hate that. If you are in your own home watching a video, then say all the words right along with the film - that's perfectly acceptable. However, at live performances or in a movie theatre with other people about - it is completely unacceptable. Way to take a wonderful moment of theatre and pull everyone around you out of that moment so that you can show off that you memorized one of the best known pieces of text in the world!
    One of the shows I performed in at college was a theatrical reciting of some of Edgar Allen Poe's work (it was an instructional performance detailing how different techniques can be utilized to make well known text seem new). All of the people in the audience were students currently enrolled in theatre classes the Theatre Department's staff. One student in the audience kept reciting the poems along with us. After the first two pieces, the professor that organized the demonstration stopped the show walked over to the girl and quietly asked her to leave. We never saw her in the Department again.
    I hate to see anyone embarrassed, but being one of the performers she was reciting over (and reciting incorrectly, throwing everyone off) - I really had no sympathy.
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