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Midwestern Colleges

edited April 2008 in Everything Else
I'm a junior in High School right now and I'm looking in to colleges. I plan on majoring in Chemical Engineering which has narrowed it down for me quite a bit. I live a bit south of Madison, WI and there are only 4 schools in the area that offer the major: UW-Madison, UM-Twin Cities, UM-Duluth, and Michigan Tech. I have it down to three, having knocked out Madison, and at this point I'm edging a bit toward Michigan Tech.

I was wondering if anyone here on the forums could lend some advice or information to help with my decision. I'm also going up this week to visit Twin Cities and Duluth so if there are specific things I should ask the tour guide that would help as well.


  • On your visit, do these things. Roam that site for more funneries.
  • Cool Zeehat; thanks for the link. I'll keep those in mind.
  • Dude, what's wrong with Madtown?
  • I don't know, It's just a bit too close to home I guess. If the traffic's good it's only about 30-35 minutes away.
  • Michigan Tech
    Dude, up in the UP? They have the mad hockeys! My dad went to school at both Michigan Tech and MIT, and did some of his masters classes at U of R and RIT. He really liked Michigan tech! If you want some information about the school I'll ask my dad for some anecdotes. From what I gather the dynamic is kinda like RIT in terms of it's geekery, but with tons more snow, Finns, and bears. Whisper me your email and I will send you stuff!
  • Sweet. Thanks gomidog, that would be great. Also, if anyone else out there has anything to add about any of the colleges it would be much appreciated.
  • Madison's only about the best college in the history of school.
  • The UP sucks but I guess you're far enough north to be used to snow until April. I haven't even been here a year and I want nothing more to move back to a temperate climate.

    If you go to scope out Michigan Tech though, go to the Ambassador, apparently they used to have good pizza, but I wasn't impressed. However their cheese and broccoli soup was great.
  • If you're willing to move in-state, the University of Michigan and Michigan State are both excellent and well-known universities.
  • Madison's only about the best college in the history of school.
    My aunt's family lives in Madison and my cousin went to U of Madison. From the time I spent there, it seemed like a really good school, and there was a nice student-life atmosphere. I'd recommend it. However, I think the problem is not the school, it is more about wanting to leave one's hometown.
    The UP sucks but I guess you're far enough north to be used to snow until April. I haven't even been here a year and I want nothing more to move back to a temperate climate.
    And, and there are blackflies! And, and wilderness! And snow up to the roof! However, Houghton has a nice college town feel to it, and it's a decent place to live. The climate does take getting used to, but it'll toughen you up! Yeah!
  • edited April 2008
    Yeah, I'd stumbled upon HARO awhile ago when I was looking up stuff on the colleges for a school project. Michigan Tech looks to be a fairly geeky school, which is why it's got my eye as of now.

    EDIT: Just curious, does anyone have anything to add about Twin Cities or Duluth?
    Post edited by Feketelo on
  • Twin Cities
    Their men's tennis team is pretty good.
  • Hmmm. I'm not really into tennis, but thanks for the information.
  • Hmmm. I'm not really into tennis, but thanks for the information.
    That's basically all I know about it.
  • Just as an update and in case there are any newcomers to the forums who might also be attending I have been accepted to and will be attending the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. If anyone has other info to add about the university or the area as a whole let me know.
  • edited April 2009
    Aww, no Michigan Tech. Sadness.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Has anyone on here ever been to NMU up in Marquette? I just wondered if anyone has gone to school there and could give me their opinion and whatnot.
  • Has anyone on here ever been to NMU up in Marquette? I just wondered if anyone has gone to school there and could give me their opinion and whatnot.
    Marquette has good basketball. Other than that, I can't help you.
  • Aww, no Michigan Tech. Sadness.
    Nope. But I do have a friend going there so perhaps I'll get a chance to head up and visit him and the campus. ;D
  • In August I'm going to NMU, so are there any other forumites going there?
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