My grandma is a champion.
I've loved the origional Star Wars since I was a wee lad. My late grandfather knew how much I loved the movies, and would often buy me an action figure or two when we went to visit. This was the status quo for many years.
So I'm visiting family for Passover, and my grandma, sister, sister's boyfriend and I are chatting. We start talking about movies and my grandma mentions that she had never actually seen Star Wars. Not a single one. I was astonished that she had never seen any part of them at all, with a grandson like me around. But then she tells us that she got a chance to watch them back-to-back on cable.
She watched ALL SIX movies in one sitting, sipping her gin, grabbing knoshes, and didn't quit until 4 am. I figure she sat through a good twelve hours of movie, and she said she loved all of them! I have a great deal of nostalgia for the old movies, but sitting through all three in a row is a challenge for me, let alone the newer monstrosities. I love the fact that she loved all the movies also!
My grandma is a champion.
Though... this reminds me. I should watch all the Star Wars movies properly for once. Hmmmm, back-to-back, 6 movies on DVD, hmmm. Perhaps something for next weekend if I don't feel like marathoning another anime or movies...
Episode II was better, but still not fantastic. I would consider it watchable.
Episode III was pretty damn good, but is not up to par with the original trilogy.
However, I do think that Phantom Menace was markedly better than Attack of the Clones, even with Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd. Attack of the Clones had Dooku, the entire first part of the movie set on Coruscant, and Hayden Fucking Christiansen. God I hate Hayden Christiansen.