Still Thinking With Portals?
So I know I haven't posted here in at least six months, but I thought the gamers among you might be interested in
this it's my new (first!) Portal map; I decided to learn how to use the source SDK as a project after playing some custom portal maps, and after about 5 months of swearing and general abuse of the Valve Developer Wiki search box by offspring is done! The map follows a short story, with a nod to everyone's favourite song at the end, it comprises of 3 test chambers and a medium sized behind the scenes area. While sticking to standard test chamber logic I've designed a 'couple of new portal fizzlers, and a new fizzler mechanism which I really enjoyed. If you enjoy it, I suggest you try any of the other maps on, but some of the best are: Snakepit, Rainbow Palace, Logic Portals and the RenTest series. A walk-through will soon be up on Youtube if you're
really stuck, but you can bug me for hints if you must ^_^ all I can say is good luck, and criticism is welcome.
Edit:: Screenshots are
Here and I apologize for the composition; I'm no artist ;-)
Edit 2:: Youtube is
The only thing is, I bugged it. *spoiler?* At the part where there's a T-junction and one is left and two is right, I lost the cube in 2 because it was going through the portal and I hit the field, removing the portals... */spoiler*
Also, sometimes it relies more on speed/skill then on wits/intelligence.