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Rym, Pirates, and ID3 Tags: A Scientific Approach

edited April 2008 in Everything Else
The amount of metadata included in GeekNights MP3 files is somehow linked to Pastafarian beliefs.

A sample population of GeekNights episodes of arbitrary size. The population should contain an appropriate representation of episodes from seasons one, two and three.

1) Sort the sample population of episodes chronologically, beginning with the oldest element in the sample.
2) By either programmatic or manual means, determine the amount of metadata included in each episode's MP3 file. Record each result.
3) Using census data from old footlockers found either under the sea or shallowly buried in the earth, determine the global sea-based pirate population over a given time interval. NOTE: said footlockers can be located though use of maps found in bottles that have washed ashore on a tropical beach. While graphical conventions used on these maps vary by region and original author, the location of a footlocker will always be prominently displayed by a large "X" (often directly adjacent to a palm tree).
4) With the pirate population sample, determine the mean global temperature at the given time of each data element.
5) Plot a graph depicting the amount of metadata in an element vs. the element's position in the sorted population. Sketch a curve of best fit.
6) Repeat step five, substituting the global pirate population for the episode sample.
7) Repeat step five, substituting the global mean temperatures for the episode sample.
8) Using the curves obtained from the graphs created in steps five, six and seven, plot a new graph depicting all three curves. Scale the curves vertically so that their local maxima and minima are approximately of the same heights, and scale the curves horizontally so that they have a visibly equal domain. This graph will be used to make qualitative observations of the three curves, so scales and units need not be included.
9) Record any observations made and draw a reasonable conclusion.


Summary of Results:
There is a clear direct correlation between global pirate population and the amount of metadata in an episode. As well, there is an inverse correlation between global mean temperature and both global pirate population and quantity of metadata. With this in mind, this leads to two possible scenarios, depending on how Pastafarian beliefs are interpreted:
i) Increased global temperatures are the actor in a cause-effect relationship that is reducing the global pirate population.
ii) Decreasing pirate populations are the actor in a cause-effect relationship that is increasing the global mean temperature.

In either scenario, the correlation between pirate population and metadata quantities can be interpreted as follows:
iii) Rym's supposed "Python scripts" that automate the post-production of GeekNights episodes are actually teams of enslaved pirates that encode the episodes manually, by mental math and long division. As the pirate population decreases, so does the amount of "processor cycles" (labor) available to the "Python script". To maintain a reasonable post-production timeframe, the amount of metadata is decreased, freeing more pirates to encode the file.

This leads to two possible conclusions, varying by scenarios i and ii:
iv) The quality of GeekNights post-production is decreasing due to global warming, or
v) Rym is working his enslaved pirates to death and is rapidly diminishing the global population of pirates.

Rym is a pirate enslaving liar who is either the victim or purpetrator of global warming.


  • This... this is amazing.
  • it all follows, so do we make him release the pirates so they can start looting stuff again or give him a metal for making this one of the warmest Aprils in Ontario ever?
  • A most interesting observation my dear Lusankya, I however have one problem with your statistical data. You only count the traditional pirates whilst the number of modern pirates is rapidly increasing.
  • Scales on that graph?
  • 8) Using the curves obtained from the graphs created in steps five, six and seven, plot a new graph depicting all three curves. Scale the curves vertically so that their local maxima and minima are approximately of the same heights, and scale the curves horizontally so that they have a visibly equal domain. This graph will be used to make qualitative observations of the three curves, so scales and units need not be included.
    Scales on that graph?
    Adding numbers = mess.
  • Dude, you have WAY too much time on your hands.
  • edited April 2008
    You only count the traditional pirates whilst the number of modern pirates is rapidly increasing.
    The experiment uses Pastafarian beliefs as a foundation, and since they only seem to consider traditional pirates, so does this experiment. If anything, this is an example of how a religion can pull off a straw man argument within a supposedly scientific approach *coughChristianSciencecough*.

    Seriously though, the newer the seasons get, the less ID3 content gets put in the episode. When I go on a nostalgia trip and download old shows, it's hard to figure out what I've heard and what I haven't without listening to the first ~30s of each episode. It doesn't seem like much, but it adds up quickly.
    Post edited by Lusankya on
  • If I have this much time where I feel bothered to do anything. I will prove why it is better to turn it up to 11 rather than make 10 louder.
  • Wow...just wow.
  • I'm surprised that neither Rym or Scott have weighed in on this yet.
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