I need help in tracking someone down, please!
Justin is my friend's boyfriend. He lives over in Missouri, and about 3 weeks ago just ..stopped talking. At first it wasn't too worrisome - maybe he lost internet? Well, eventually, she found out that his phone went out of service. She tried to find the address and a phone number connected to it. The closest we got was one that had the same street and road, but the wrong house numbers. She called anyway, but it was a wrong number. He worked in a deli.
Unfortunately, we don't have his last name - she deletes all her chat logs and can't remember names for shit. He could've told her thirty million times and she still wouldn't remember. v.v; We're getting desperate: she's freaking out that he's hurt or worse, and then there's real life.. he was supposed to come up for her grad. Please, please give me some advice or something! He lives in the town of Potosi...
But someone in a relationship with another person not being able to remember their last name... This can't be all too serious of a relationship.
Iunno, how big is Potosi? I assume it's a town (weird name, after all)
The town has approximately 2000 people, and when I looked up the address with Google Earth I got a farm area... I would, but .. she's both scared. Both her best friends (me and another girl) also have his email, but this is extreme - to get rid of his phone number, block a bunch of people on his list, ignore desperate emails trying to find out if he's just alive - just to dump someone? She's hardly stalkerish - if anything, he was the one that had the potential to be a stalker, being mushy and kinda clingy. I don't care if he e-dumped her or whatever - I'll deal with the wish to kick his ass later - right now I'm just concerned. I don't care an iota about the dude, but my friend is gonna have a hernia.
You have to understand that she is not the only person in this guy's life. Therefore, if he really is hurt, somebody else is going to notice. (Unless he's some crazy loner, which make her speaking with him all the more disturbing.) So let the people close to him deal with this. Besides, if he did get hurt, it's too late. Three weeks is a long time to be fending off zombies on your own.
You know what, I think he probably told her that he would be moving soon or whatever and wouldn't have internet connection for some weeks and she just forgot and deleted the chat log.
I know it makes no sense or anything and that internet relationships are horrible, blah blah blah BUT: she really really likes him, and I just want to find him so I can give -her- some peace of mind...
But seriously, there's a 99.9% chance that there's no cause for concern and a 100% chance that nothing can be done about it, on her part, regardless.
Ignore the images; the song is great.
Thank you for your help, everyone. *bows* I'll find him somehow, anyway.
My ICQ logs date back to 1996...