It seems that my school isn't employing the brightest computer people.
I was just informed (by a friend) that our school's website,, went down recently. Apparently, whoever was in charge forgot to pay the bill, and didn't have any auto-renew enabled. My friend and I decided to capitalize on this fortuitous circumstance, and I've backordered the domain. If the school fails to renew it, I'll own it. I was thinking of selling it back to the school.
I was wondering, how legal is this? I mean, if they fail to renew their domain, and I purchase it, that seems pretty legit. Selling it back to them would be the easiest thing to do (though it would be lulzy to create a fake website, since all of their paperwork references What do you guys think?
A) An educational institute has no more right to a .net domain than you or I.
I'm pretty sure that as long as you go through proper channels, purchase of something like this is perfectly legal.
If I were you, I'd have the site link to rick roll (dead meme, I know, but me and my friends are still having fun with it...), then once the school starts asking about what the hell is going on, I'd just hand it back to them.
I mean really, I'd try to sell it and all, but if it were my school, I know that they'd be able to dick me over in one way or another. If they can't hit me legally, they could (and would) hit me with detentions for the rest of the year...<_<.
Also, I vote for creating some kind of joke website / linking to a joke and then selling it back to them.
Also, I think rickrolling the entire school district would be kinda mean. And I don't even want to begin to ponder what Scott would do. ^_~
EDIT: That is, of course, provided that they don't fix their mistake. I'll post back here when the situation develops.
I recommend you don't do anything bad with the website. Educating people about tech is great.
However, I recommend you keep your involvement quiet.
Then with teh moneys you can discuss it with them in private. I think if you make an effort to keep it quiet-ish, the school can't really punish you outright.
Yes, they did get it back.
Regardless, very awesome.