Anybody besides me find money from the government in their accounts this morning?
We got our payment this morning (Direct Deposit) and now we have to decide what to do with it.
Our bills are not that bad so I expect we will use it on some stuff for the home. I also want to use some of it to buy stone for a patio/garden area in my yard. Other than that we will likely not spend the money.
I would prefer a tax cut over a tax rebate any day of the week but this is better than nothing. especially now that it costs me over $50 to fill my gas tank.
Planning on grabbing a second monitor and some prescription sunglasses.
I almost impulse bought an NES this morning, so that I could hack it for chiptunes. But luckily I spent enough time on eBay weighing my options to realize that I have no idea how to go about doing that.
I wonder if I have a rebate check at home. That'd be nice.
But even though it's supposed to be easy, because my dad does all of our taxes, he's filed an extension. He does this every year, I swear.
Next year, I'm doing my own god dammed taxes.
Scratch that. Apparently he had finished them right as I was writing that post. The only reason it was taking him so long was because Turbo Tax was throwing a fit due to me not having any income and thus, not able to compute my federal taxes (non-existent).
Also, my dad has a new set of glasses, which make him look awesome. My dad rules and he could totally beat up your dad.