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Stupid Anti-drug presentations

edited May 2008 in Everything Else
Do any of you guys remember those presentaions that say drugs are bad and all that. First off I don't do drugs or anything, but those presentations are awful. We just had one at my high school today and it was one of the worst ones I have ever seen. They tried to do stupid "music videos" which were laughable. They also did parodies of stupid shows that I hate in the first place, which include "the bachelor" and "Oprah". It's just how they try to be cool that makes them bad. I don't really think anyone is deciding not to do drugs because of one of these presentations.


  • When I was in middle school (which is 5th and 6th grade in my neck of the woods), our art class was co-opted for DARE presentations on a regular basis. It was one of the dumbest things I ever experienced. Also, it was more likely to teach kids how to get high than avoidance.

    In my senior year of high school though, we were given an even dumber presentation on sex law in Texas. They got more laughs than questions, and I felt that the majority of my fellow classmates missed the point. If they actually bothered to improve these things, they might actually work.
  • When I was in about seventh or eighth grade, there was a police officer of some sort who came and talked to us about drugs. His presentation was basically showing a video of how to obtain and use drugs, and saying "don't do this" a lot.
  • When I was in middle school (which is 5th and 6th grade in my neck of the woods), our art class was co-opted for DARE presentations on a regular basis. It was one of the dumbest things I ever experienced. Also, it was more likely to teach kids how to get high than avoidance.
    Dare was completely counterproductive. They would say things that amounted to "Don't talk to those guys in back alleys, 'cause they'll sell you drugs," and stuff like that.
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2008
    I don't care if it isn't a presentation per se, but it just has to be posted on this thread due to laughably stupid it is in trying to convince teens that drugs are bad.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I don't care if it isn't a presentation per se, but it just has to be posted on this thread due to laughably stupid it is in trying to convince teens that drugs are bad.
    Isn't it supposed to be convincing parents not to use drugs around their kids?
  • You guys get weird presentations. Usually we get things where they show us what happens to drug addicts and such. It freaks me out. They'll explain side effects of the major drugs while showing pictures and taped interviews with extreme drug addicts. It's creepy to see a woman showing her arm that she practically mauled because there were 'worms' in it.
  • The only thing dumber than DARE was GREAT. Gang resistance education and training...or teaching.
  • Now my question to all of you is. Did you people MST3K those laughably horrible videos?
  • I know this is a necro-post but I just HAVE to post this for posterity due to how much psychological damage it can do to a 2-3 year old.
  • Most employees get these talks at work every year for insurance reasons. My office just got the visit from the drug free workplace caseworker, who gave a talk that basically told us how to avoid detection during random drug testing.
  • Oh man. There was one at my school that takes the cake for stupidity. I'm gonna try to find some videos.
  • I remember learning about Mr. Yuk. Is that still around?
  • My school hired an aging anti-drug rapper.

    It was stupendous.
  • edited August 2008
    We had something on drinking and driving in my school called "Every 15 Minutes." It included pulling a volunteer kid out of class every 15 minutes, because that's how often a drunk driving accident kills some (and, clearly, our school's 900 students is equivalent to the population of the United States).

    That idea wouldn't be too terrible, if not for the horrifyingly inappropriate way they did it, which included a fat guy in a Death costume coming to the classroom door and reading an obituary of the student written by the parents (followed by the kid attending every class while wearing zombie make-up and not talking to anyone). People were scared shitless at first, and then it became one gigantic joke as we began to realize the logical fallacies of the program.
    It all ended as tastelessly as possible with us attending a funeral for the dead students. I think it may have traumatized a few people, but no one who would actually get behind the wheel of a car drunk.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • edited August 2008
    "Every 15 Minutes."
    ARG!! You stole mine. I couldn't find the video. But yeah, it was extremely distasteful. Our grim reaper was a tall black guy.

    One thing you didn't mention that perhaps they added since you were in school was a reenactment of a car accident. There were smashed up cars on the baseball field and they had the paramedics and police drive up with their sirens blaring with a helicopter flying overhead. The "drivers" were just students and they gave laughable performances. They should have at least gotten some drama kids in there. Anyway, the whole thing took a half-an-hour and it was extremely tasteless. They carried kids out of the car with tons of fake blood and unbelievable monologues. It was pretty terrible.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • The people producing these things have no clue because they are no longer teenagers. The things that were cool when they were teenagers aren't cool anymore, after all. If you're interested in improving their programs, give them advice and feedback. More than likely, they're just flailing around in the dark.
  • I have found a series of laughable and ridiculously primitive computer PSAs, this is a MUST see for everyone on the forum. It makes me believe that people were a LOT stupider back then.

  • Wow. Lolz.
  • edited August 2008
    It makes me angry, I don't know why...rrrg.

    I hate those classes and I try to ruin them as much as possible. They ask for a common drug I tell them caffeine when they're looking for alcohol. Next time they bring up cannabis I'll point out that the law was passed through a lot of fear mongering, racism against the Mexicans, and the studies made by the government showed effects that are far less than tobacco, or at least thats what I can gather. Instead they should have programs about how if the US Dollar stopped being the world currency that we'd go into a big depression, how Dick Cheney is not lawfully VP, and just world/nation stuff.

    (for the post below)Fuck yeah, Garfield
    Post edited by Magnum_Opus on
  • edited August 2008
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Cartoon All Stars. Wow, I can't believe I like that as a kid.
  • I just watched it again, and it is so cheesy! I like the idea, but it really could have been pulled off better.
  • Its kind of like SSB.
  • Cartoon All Stars. Wow, I can't believe I like that as a kid.
  • I love the Nostalgia Critic! <3
  • Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue.
    That was great. o.o

    And the Nostalgia Critic is also awesome as always.
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