I found another quality podcast!
Thought I'd share.
Geeks On has the same flavors of geek that GeekNights does, but they have a very different format and style. I've subscribed to them after two shows since they have a great production quality and have remained very entertaining. I highly recommend checking them out.
I also sent them an e-mail pointing them this way as they were lamenting the lack of good podcasts out there. I think that the audiences for both shows will likely form some monstrous geek pudding of some sort since the cross-over listener potential is really high in my opinion.
I can't stand the Valentine's Day episodes. Women giggling into a microphone about how the regular hosts are such dorks, for two hours, isn't my idea of a good podcast.
I have to say, I'm glad Geeknights doesn't say the word "geek" every sentence on their show.
* edit* I just wanted to add that I tried to skip around on this episode to see if there was something interesting to listen to later. What I got was:
"I'm nostalgic about Nintendo , they did that Super Mario brothers thing"
.... thing?
>.> Ok. I've stuck a fork in this episode.