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Post your music player

edited May 2008 in Everything Else
Well, yeah, post your music player.
This should be pretty interesting (different configs and skins), provided not everyone is using iTunes...image

Why I use it: for one, I don't have an ipod [or any mp3 player for that matter], so syncing isn't a factor (though I believe you can have foobar sync if you have the proper plugins). Secondly, it's just really, really, really fucking configurable, and the only plugin I have downloaded is to make it have columns that can be sorted...and I think album art was a separate plugin, not sure.
Also, you can customize all the keyboard shortcuts you want, so I have a global shortcut for play/pause. Helpful for controlling the player without having to stop what you're doing.

The only drawback (IMO) is the lack of smart playlists...and there might even be a plugin for that somewhere. I just haven't looked for one yet.


  • iTunes.
  • Here's the one on my screen right now. As you can see, I'm listening to the most epic punk rock song of all time.

  • I have the basic Windows Media Player, but I usually have it in tool bar format, like so:

  • edited May 2008
    As long as it can play my Hendrix and my Geeknights, I'm set.
    Post edited by Σπεκωσποκ on
  • edited May 2008

    XMplay because it's simple and uses like 2mb of RAM, I don't care about skins (though I think it's skinnable) and I don't like to fuss much with playlists and whatnot.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Audacious for linux
    Zune Software for Windows (It sucks, but makes updating a lot easier)
  • WinAmp. Once KDE 4.1 comes out, though, I might switch over to Amarok.
  • WinAmp. Once KDE 4.1 comes out, though, I might switch over to Amarok.
    +1 on Amarok, works well with my Ipod.
  • I'm still on the Winamp for the podcasts or single song I'd have on repeat, but iTunes for long lengths of music.
  • foobar2000 on windows, and iTunes on OSX. I'm waiting for the OSX port of KDE to mature enough to use AmaroK on the mac instead (maybe).
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