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52. What was the weather like before the Flood?Have a look at this as well.
53. Were all the animals friendly to man before the Flood? Idea: raise several baby animals like snake and mouse together to see if they remain friends as they are older.
54. Why do they live longer before the Flood?
58. Why did God create the moon to control the tides?
65. What affects skin color? Is one color better than another? What was God's purpose in this?
72. What is God made of?
74. What happens to eyes so you need glasses? Did God design them poorly?
80. Why did God make pests like bugs and mosquitoes?
83. Why do people believe in Evolution?
84. What events caused them to become evolutionists?
95. Are humans mammals? We thought they were made in God's image and not related to animals.
97. Why did God make birds to fly?
98. Were dinosaurs alive at the same time as humans?
4. Statistical occurrence of giants, and midgets and dwarfs and giantism. Use Princess Flo, Goliath, and brothers.
8. How much voltage or current can a human take before he is killed? Could do experiments on a plant.
35. Why does the Bible say there is one glory of the sun, one glory of the moon, and one glory of the stars?
105.What are aliens and are there really any in our world? see Lamentations 5:2, Eph 2:12, Heb 11:34.
Silly home schoolers.
I would like to propose another project idea:
666. What kind of genetic mutations would have resulted from inbreeding enough generations for two humans to propagate an entire species?
Raise several baby animals like snake and mouse together to see if they remain friends as they are older.
This is mean and pointless! Those bible thumpers are horrible (plus that information is available if you do a little bit of #$%^&* research on the internet)
What affects skin color? Is one color better than another? What was God's purpose in this?
Better? WTF? Racist much?
This is unnecessary experimentation.
So they try raising a corn snake and a baby mouse. That ends quickly and obviously. Ok, fine. Maybe someone else tries raising a garter snake and a baby mouse. Hmmm, they seem to be getting along ok... the garter snake only seems to want its fish... why do the two snakes act differently? This sort of observation and reflection is valuable.
The biggest hurdle and risk with these kinds of experiments being done by Biblically-minded punk kids is that they will want to fuse their understanding of the two areas before they really understand either of them individually. The worst excesses of creationists can be traced back to this tendency of having only a very limited understanding of the Bible and a very limited understanding of science, and trying to fuse them together successfully.
Why do you constantly defend these addlebrained fuckwits? Are you going to defend their idea that Man and Dinosaur lived at the same time as well?
Why must I be an intelligent designer if I'm willing to look into their points and their history? Why must I be a creationist if I take the unpopular role in debate?
"The liberally educated person is one who is able to resist the easy and preferred answers not because he is obstinate but because he knows others worthy of consideration." -- Allan Bloom
Besides, I like trolling you guys. A lot of interesting discussions come from it.
Well, there are lots of ideas that can be rejected out of hand. Creationism and Xenu are two excellent examples. Andrew is right. Creationism has had all the benefit it can glean from consideration. What about the geocentric theory of the universe, Mr. jcc? Are you willing to give it more consideration? What about pyramid power and ancient astronauts? Are you willing to give those ideas consideration as well?
If the question were something more akin to "What are the habitat differences between carnivorous and non-carnivorous snakes," or something like that, things would be different. As it is, this experimental idea is leading to the needless death of a mouse. Scientific ethics demand that we minimize that sort of thing; if you can observe it elsewhere, there's no need to go about killing a mouse. You can study the differences between wild snakes.
I'm all about teaching these kids about science. Some of those science fair ideas actually seemed to be reasonable routes of inquiry, and I'm glad to see kids pursuing them. However, someone needs to tell them to consider the feasibility of conducting some of these things, and teach them about the ethics of conducting some kinds of experiments. We know that there are snakes that eat mice; why do you need to raise them side-by-side to see the end result. We know that there are lethal voltages of electricity; why do you want to determine the minimum fatal voltage level? When you start asking these questions, you force the inquirer to narrow their inquiry, and you can more readily figure out how to conduct a more properly controlled experiment.
103.Where was the Garden of Eden? Is it around today? Find me some cherubims and a giant flaming sword, kid. Let me know how that works out for you.
They're really pushing to dress this up as science. I'll bet we see more, not less of this stuff as time goes on. One day, we'll have chemsitry lab write-ups that begin with "God wants these atoms to bind to form these particular molecules . . . "
Prediction: One day we'll see people debating as to what bible verses are applicable to which computer programs. Further, we'll see people trying to fix computer problems through faith healing. Preposterous? How much more preposterous is it than believing that dinosaurs still exist?