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Show Off Your Indie-Wang! Obscure Music Showdown! (UPDATE: Cool Website!)

edited May 2008 in Everything Else
So, I've been in the mood to listen to new music lately... which is very rare for me. Post some bands you don't think anyone else here would know about. Genre doesn't matter, feel free to whore out your own band, no real rules, just be ready for criticism.


I'll get the ball rolling with The Fugitives, a folk-ish/spoken word group I found a while ago. Highway Three is a great song, and Shiny Plastic Bags is also really good, although a bit of an acquired taste.
(And, for anyone who may not realize, Myspace, in addition to being a structural disaster, is a pretty good site for bands to post music. If you know an artist, but can't find their music, odds are they have a myspace with some tracks.)

Also, here's a video of the guitarist singing a particularly geeky song called "Humanity Is Awesome!" (There's two minutes of exposition. Feel free to skip it if you're getting impatient. The song, however, should be worthwhile.)


  • edited May 2008
    First and foremost, my friend's band The Dreaded Marco. I recommend "Ancient Lore" or "Thank You For Listening".

    Secondly, Bottom of the Hudson. I've never met anyone who has heard of them. Here's the only video on YouTube I could find. I recommend "Riot Act" off their Myspace page.

    Thirdly, my other friend's band The OK Train Ride, who's shirt I proudly wore today.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited May 2008

    Skeletons & The Kings of All Cities, also known as Skeletons & the Girl Faced Boys.

    Does It Offend You, Yeah?

    Probably bands you guys have heard of... >:U

    Edit: Oh oh,

    Noah Lennox.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • edited May 2008
    The Fugitives
    I didn't like the video, but Shiny Plastic Bags and Highway Three were ok.
    Skeletons & The Kings of All Cities, also known as Skeletons & the Girl Faced Boys.
    I like them, but I've had immense trouble acquiring ANY of their stuff and eventually gave up. Know where I can find it?
    Does It Offend You, Yeah?
    Never heard of 'em, but I really like it.
    Noah Lennox.
    Never really cared Panda Bear's solo stuff. Hell, I barely like much Animal Collective stuff.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited May 2008
    I like them, but I've had immense trouble acquiring ANY of their stuff and eventually gave up. Know where I can find it?
    I found Git on 4megaupload, but I've had no luck finding Lucas.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • edited May 2008
    Dimmu Borgir, if you are into metal.

    They are sort of Symphonic Black Metal. I would recommend In Sorte Diaboli, Death Cult Armageddon, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, Godless Savage Garden, and Spiritual Black Dimensions. Some of their earlier material I'm not too fond of, that is more straight up black metal (I.E. Stormblast, Inn i evighetens mørke, etc.) except for For All Tid. They are a favorite of mine, I am especially fond of Vortex's (the bassist) voice.

    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • edited May 2008
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • 4megaupload,
    Thanks for that.

  • Are The Unicorns obscure enough?

  • Subtle



    Sage Francis
  • The Dead Milkmen.

    Methodist Coloring Book

    If You Love Someone, Set Them On Fire

    You'll Dance To Anything
  • edited May 2009
    When I want some new music, this thread is going to be my new first stop. All this stuff is awesome.
    The Dead Milkmen.
    I love them. Bear Police disagrees.
    Wow, they have a really cool sound. I'm definitely checking this one out.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Beirut, A Hawk and a Hacksaw

    Handsome Furs, Wolf Parade

    Buck 65

  • edited May 2008
    Bumping this thread because I just found a really cool, music related web site:
    The Sixty One
    It's a web-based game, sort of a combination of and The SimExchange where you spend points to "bump" songs, and then you get points as people bump the song after you.
    Okay, it's kind of hard to explain, but basically you get to play a game and find good music.

    Also, it's still in beta, so there are a few little bugs. The actual layout, however, is excellent.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • That'll never work for me. Animal Collective has a combined total of less than 120 bumps. D:
  • The layout is an eyesore.
  • The layout is an eyesore.
    That too. And We Are Scientists doesn't deserve to have over 1000 people like them.
  • edited May 2008
    That'll never work for me. Animal Collective has a combined total of less than 120 bumps. D:
    It's a new site, and the band is supposed to upload the music themselves.
    The layout is an eyesore.
    I think it works out well once you get the hang of it. By the layout in my original post, however, I mostly meant having the song carry over when you switch pages without any delay at all.
    The layout is an eyesore.
    That too. And We Are Scientists doesn't deserve to have over 1000 people like them.
    Alright, no argument there...
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • So, I know this guy that just released an awesome little EP and I promised him I'd share it with somebody. Every track is completely different from the next, so at least sample a little of each song if you decide to download it. The last track is especially tasty.
  • Most of you probably haven't heard of the Swedish punk band Charta 77.

    Or the Swedish Bitpop group 50 hertz.

    And, just to guarantee that I am posting something that none of you have heard before, here's some Josh Carter and the Practice
  • edited May 2009
    Yeah Wolf Parade. A few other bands in that Indie-Canadian Rock/Pop circle: Destroyer, cryptic and strange but entirely desirable; he is also very referential which adds depth even if its incestuous part of the time(he refers to other songs of his). Listen to 'Your Blood' in the play list then 'Rubies'

    Another is Frog Eyes, stranger vocals, difficult to understand, I'm not even sure how I like them.The video is weird but the music is Gold

    The last is the super-group of some members of Frog Eyes, Wolf Parade, Destoryer, and a few others:
    Swan Lake, check it out if you like any of the previous.
    Post edited by Magnum_Opus on
  • I've actually been listening to a lot of indie-ish electronic music as of late. Up first is French act ANORAAK, who puts out some of the chillest vocals I've heard in quite a while. I feel like it's the kind of music you'll hear and say "I feel like I've heard this before", but it's too catchy to pass up. The actual words can be kinda silly, but I generally am enjoying the music too much to pay attention to the lyrics.

    On the topic of ultra-chill electonica, Steve Nalepa should also not be missed. Good ambient/glitch music is hard to come by, but Steve brings it in spades. I've heard people describe it as "delicate", and I can't really fault that description.

    I picked up a Nosaj Thing EP recently. I'm still kinda 50/50 on it, but Heart Empire was enough to make me buy the album. Good mix of 8-bit throwback and modern beats.

    Now I've gotta make my way through this entire thread, haha.
  • edited May 2009
    On the topic of ultra-chill electonica,Steve Nalepashould also not be missed. Good ambient/glitch music is hard to come by, but Steve brings it in spades. I've heard people describe it as "delicate", and I can't really fault that description.
    This is really, really good.

    Speaking of ultra chill music, I've been really enjoying these two bands lately. The first is Ducktails, who makes these really feel-good beachy, poppy sort of songs. He just released a compilation LP and it's a lot of fun. This song will be on his next album.

    Secondly, Sun Araw. They have a similar beachy sort of sound but apply it to drone music. Their record Beach Head is amazing. Here's a small excerpt from one of their songs.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • For indietronica, my go-to guy is Henry Homesweet.

    Also, don't know if you know about The Ruby Suns, but they're pretty awesome.
  • Also, don't know if you know aboutThe Ruby Suns, but they're pretty awesome.
    You'd like Of Montreal. I can pretty much guarantee it.
  • edited May 2009
    What the hell, Sail, showing off bands I told you about to boost you're internet cred. I think Beach Head is the only really "beachy" Sun Araw release. The Boat Trip 3", even with the under-the-sea cover art, has a classic Not Not Fun sound, with obvious Robedoor and Pocahaunted influence, and the same faux-Native American aesthetic. The Phynx, his first release, was dark, heavy psychedelic drone, and his side of the Predator Vision split carried the same vibe. He said in the Electric Annihilation interview that he doesn't want to be categorized as a "beach band" and the next record will be more of a return to the style of The Phynx.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • edited May 2009
    Haha, sorry. You still one-upped me anyway :P Except that Predator Vision = Ducktails and I actually knew about Ducktails before you told me.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Oops, yeah, I meant the split.
  • edited May 2009
    The Death Set are definitely awesome. They are also pretty obscure.
    I really like "Impossible" but couldn't find a video of it.

    Post edited by Blarp on
  • edited May 2009
    Pogo has a new EP. There is a god.

    Post edited by Sail on
  • [videos]
    Seriously though, those are some great songs he's made.
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