It took two years to make it happen, but last night
Dr. Kirsten Sanford was on
FNPL. Thanks to Rym & Scott for bringing their usual level of awesomeness to the show. I always have fun doing FNPL, but I'd have to say that last night was a confluence of awesome.
Here are the topics:
1. Using multiple internet identities. Is there a way to safely merge them
if you have a job where they care about what you do online?
2. What do you think about this article on The Great Filter Theory? What is the most efficient way for a human being to absorb information: Video, audio or reading?
4. The Twitter revolution. Penny Arcade covered it so it must be over,
right? Are all the tweets just mayflies enjoying their one day or this an
enduring social phenomena?
5. What the hell happened to Ben Stein anyway?
6. How do you pass the time on airplanes?
7. Recently a guy in Pakistan used hypnosis instead of anethetic for surgery on his hand. Is this fake? Is hypnosis real?
8. Software Mnemonics. What do you think about Evernote, Jott and Remember the Milk?
The rate of downloads for this show is a record for us.
Great FNPL episode Thaed. I'm also a PopSiren fan.